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Today is 21. September 2024 and it's Matoušday 8°C | Tomorrow Darina 20°C

Little big village…

The Ratiboř Village 75 PV plant project is co-financed by the Modernization Fund on the basis of a decision of the Minister of the Environment. The aim of the project was to implement a photovoltaic power plant with an output of 19.80 kWp on the roof of the municipal office building.

 FVE Municipality Ratiboř 75

The Ratiboř 308 PV project is co-financed by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme through the Modernisation Fund. The subject of the project is the installation of a PV plant with an output of 19.8 kWp on the building No. 308 in the municipality of Ratiboř.

 FVE village Ratiboř 308

The Ratiboř 361 PV project is co-financed by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme through the Modernisation Fund. The subject of the project is the installation of a PV plant with an output of 14.85 kWp on building no. 361 in the municipality of Ratiboř.

 FVE village Ratiboř 361

The Ratiboř Municipality 412 MŠ PV project is co-financed by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme through the Modernisation Fund. The aim of the project was to implement a PV plant with an output of 19.8 kWp on the roof of the kindergarten building.

 FVE Municipality Ratiboř 412 MŠ

The project "System of separate collection and collection of bio-waste in the municipality of Ratiboř" is co-financed by the EU. The aim of the project is to create a system of separate collection and collection through the purchase of 600 containers for bio-waste at the properties of the residents. At the same time, the system is supplemented by 10 larger containers with a capacity of 1100 I. A collection vehicle has also been purchased.

 System of separate collection and collection of bio-waste in the municipality of Ratiboř

This project is co-financed by the European Union. Support for projects of final applicants fulfilling the objectives of the SCLLD of the LAG Central Vsetín Region, z.s.


 Fire station Ratiboř

The project Development and improvement of communication with the public (registration number CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/19_109/0016866) is co-financed by the European Union - Operational Programme Employment.

 Developing and improving communication with the public

The project POLYFUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY CENTRE IN RATIBOR is co-financed by the European Union. The aim of the project is to increase the quality and accessibility of services in the village of Ratiboř and its surroundings leading to social inclusion of targeted persons into society through the extension of a new multifunctional community centre.

 Multifunctional community centre in Ratiboř

The project Collection yard in Ratiboř – Stage III is co-financed by the European Union – Cohesion Fund / European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Environment

 Collection yard in the village of Ratiboř – Stage III
The project FLOOD PROTECTION MEASURES OF RATIBOR (registration number CZ.05.1.24/0.0/0.0/20_145/0012594) - the subject of support is the supplementation and upgrade of the local warning system with the addition of data to the flood plan in order to help the correct assessment of flood risk, protection of health and property of citizens...
 Flood control measures in the municipality of Ratiboř

The project GARDEN IN NATURAL STYLE of RATIBOR Primary School is co-financed by the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic( based on the decision of the Minister of the Environment(

 Garden in natural style at Ratiboř Primary School
by Ratiboř
date 19.09.2024

13th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř

September 26, 2024 at 5 p.m. in the Community Centre of the Ratiboř 361...

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by Choir of CCE
date 19.09.2024

Sunday meeting

Interesting stories, playing games and singing about God

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by Library
date 18.09.2024

Creative afternoons in the library

Make your autumn days more enjoyable by creating in the library.

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by Choir of CCE
date 09.09.2024

Honoring the memory of Jan Maniš

The ceremony takes place on Sunday, September 8, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the church.

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by Good News Bells
date 06.09.2024

Changing the name of ringer groups

Why? Read!

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by Ratiboř
date 05.09.2024

Hatha Yoga

.. rest and relaxation from everyday worries in today's fast-paced world...

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by Choir of CCE
date 04.09.2024

The church's September program

Church activities during the week

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by Library
date 02.09.2024

Autumn dates for "little ones" in the library

Another continuation of meeting mothers with little ones.

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by Footballers
date 02.09.2024

Recruitment of small football players for mini-prep

Recruitment of small football players for mini-prep

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by Ratiboř
date 02.09.2024

Cooking together and tasty!

Course under the guidance of an experienced chef and baker

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by Ratiboř
date 02.09.2024

JasminYoga for everyday life...

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by Primary school
date 02.09.2024

First day of school

The new school year has started and on Monday, September 2, we were happy to open the doors to our little ones - the first graders.

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by Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA
date 02.09.2024

Rehearsals of the children's folklore ensemble Kosáček in the new school year 20

We are looking forward to seeing the current and new members of the ensemble!

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by Magnolia Station
date 30.08.2024

Magnolia Residential Centre Programme - September 2024

Change of programme subject to...

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by Primary school
date 27.08.2024

Information for the start of the school year 2024/2025

We wish all pupils a successful start to the new school year...

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by Senior Citizens Club
date 26.08.2024

Relaxation exercises

From 3th of Septemberber 2024 every Tuesday 13.30–14.30 h in the Community Centre…

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by Budnicek
date 20.08.2024

Children's bazaar

21 September 2024 from 8 to 11.30 am in the Ratiboř gym…

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by Ratiboř
date 12.08.2024

Measurement of Urban Heat islands (UHI) within the BE READY project

In Ratiboř, measurements with thermal camera and weather stations...

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by Ratiboř
date 11.08.2024

Lavender Sunday

11 Aug 2024 from 11.00–17.00 in the parish garden in Ratiboř...

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by Ratiboř
date 08.08.2024

Lukáš Pavlásek - Planet of the Hens

One-man-show by Lukáš Pavlásek, one of the most popular Czech comedians Come and laugh at what you know from life.

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by Ratiboř
date 06.08.2024

BE READY project in Ratibor

Through a short VIDEO let's get acquainted with an international project, supported by EU funds, in which the municipality of Ratiboř will be looking for a suitable solution for an area of over 6,000m² right in the centre of our municipality...

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by Primary school
date 03.08.2024

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by Primary school
date 03.08.2024

School trip to the world of dinosaurs

On Monday 24 June all classes of our school went to the popular DinoPark in Ostrava.

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by Primary school
date 03.08.2024

School cross-country race

On Thursday, June 20, our school held a running race.

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