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Volleyball players


Volleyball players

Article title

We play for fun - volleyball is a passion!

Volleyball has been played in Ratibor since time immemorial. We learned it from the elders, so we will be happy to help other interested people to discover the beauty of six-a-side volleyball. We currently have adults and children training with us and of course we would love to see new faces. All it takes is a good mood, good spirits, exercise shoes and everything else will come by itself. We know very well that no scientist fell from the sky :-)

We started with mini volleyball in 2015 and we are still continuing today. It is the so-called volleyball in colors, which is designed primarily for 1st grade elementary school. The individual colours determine the level of progress and difficulty. Girls and boys play mini volleyball in teams of 2 to 4 players. Instruction begins with simple exercises on coordination of movements, ball handling, movement activities, attention and concentration. The children first toss and catch the ball, then gradually incorporate hitting with a pitch and finally a digger.

We have the approach that at that young age it makes no sense to overload and drill the children, we simply want to enjoy the game, we are happy when the children gain a positive attitude towards volleyball, they look forward to training and do not want to leave. Maybe they will play with us as adults. Or we with them :-)

Training in the gym

Mini volleyball (kids) Mondays 15:45 - 16:45
Volleyball Mondays 5:00 - 7:00 pm (come play)

Useful links

FB Minivolleyball Ratiboř
Rules of mini volleyball -

Contact us

Láďa Válek +420 608 139 390
Mirča Zbranková +420 731 961 020
Stepa Janicek +420 777 621 737

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