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Today is 27. July 2024 and it's Věroslavday 17°C | Tomorrow Viktor 23°C


Fees are levied from 1st of February 2023, payable on 30th of June 2023

Electronic form

You can use this electronic form to have any fees you have to pay calculated from 1 February 2023.


Fees for citizens

Water Charges

  • Water abstraction for 2022 is 44 CZK/m3.


  • House connected to sewerage and municipal water supply 17 CZK/m3 with VAT,
  • House connected to municipal sewerage with own water source 35 m3/person (according to the law) × 17 CZK/m3 with VAT,
  • House not connected to municipal sewerage – no charge.

Mixed municipal waste

  • Citizen with permanent residence in the municipality 650 CZK/year,
  • Owner of immovable property comprising an apartment, family house or a building for family recreation in which no natural person is registered and which is located in the territory of the municipality 650 CZK/house.

Exemptions and concessions on mixed municipal waste
according to Directive No. 1 of the Municipality of Ratiboř (PDF) and General Decree No. 2/2022 of the Municipality of Ratiboř (PDF).

Dog tax
(the taxpayer is the owner of a dog over 3 months old)

  • 150 CZK per dog,
  • CZK 300 for the second and each additional dog of the same owner,
  • a single person over 65 years of age receiving a disability or old-age pension 100 CZK.
Fees for business persons

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