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We invite you to visit our cosy library.

Themunicipal library in Ratibor is located in the "old rectory" near the primary school. It was founded in 1921 and moved several times until it finally found a home in this building, which I am sure our older generation still remembers as a school.

Although the premises are small, we try to make the service and range of books as good as possible. We are a non-professional library and our founder is theMunicipality of Ratiboř.


Knihovna na staré faře v Ratiboři

Dear visitors, we offer the following services
  • Lending services we will provide you with an unlimited supply of reading material exactly according to your taste and mood. A wonderful thing. Convenient and practical. The year-round registration fee is less than the normal price you would pay for a single book in a bookstore. Plus, when the loan period is over, space is again freed up at home for more interesting books!
  • Fiction, non-fiction, magazines- you can choose from 4,087 volumes of books. You will find both fiction and non-fiction. We regularly take magazines to the library.
  • Borrowing books from exchange files
  • Interlibrary loan services make sure you get whatever you need. If you haven't found it with us, we'll order it from somewhere else!
  • Internet access isfree. We're here for you when you don't know what to do!
  • Information services- We answer your questions
On-line catalogue

Here you will find a catalogue of the books you can find in our library.
(Click on this link to see the catalogue of the Masaryk Public Library Vsetín)

Enter the title or part of the title of the book you are looking for in the line provided, the search will result in all books with the selected entry.When you click on the selected book, you will see a record of the book - click on the AVAILABILITY bullet and the LOCATION box to seeif we have the book you are looking for in our library collection(and which other libraries it is available in). You can also search for a document by entering multiple criteria in thesearch box.

Exchangeable files

In the library you can borrow books from threeexchange files of books and CDs, which were purchased with funds from the Zlín Region. The exchange files remain available to readers for one year at a time.

  • Spring/Yellow strip(new at the beginning of the year) - list of books here YELLOW 2022 and CDs here YELLOW CD 2022
  • winter circulation / purple strip - book list here PURPLE 2022
  • new circulating set / pink strip - list of books here PINK 2023
Subscribed magazines

We regularly subscribe to Flowers, ABCand for our little ones,Sunshine magazine.


Library Ratiboř
Ratiboř u Vsetín
75 621

We look forward to seeing you on these days:
Monday 16:00-18:30
Wednesday 16:00-18:30

Librarian: Jana Vaculíková
Phone: +420 604 880 559

The library is CLOSED over the holidays

The library in Ratiboř is closed from 1 July to 31 August.
In case of need, please contact the librarian

Extract from the library rules

User registration

  • Anyone can become a user of the library and its services by signing the registration form and agreeing to abide by the library's rules and regulations.
  • At the time of registration, the user shall present his/her valid ID; children under 15 years of age are the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians.
  • The ID card, which the user receives after signing the registration form, is his/her proof of contact with the library. Its loss must be reported immediately to the library.
  • The library handles the personal data of users according to Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data. Any change of data must always be reported to the library.
  • All financial amounts (registration fees, handling fees, service fees, penalty fees, etc.) are charged by the library as specified in the library regulations and in the amount specified in the price list. The library is entitled to refuse to provide services to a user who repeatedly violates the provisions of the library regulations, disrupts the library's operation by inappropriate behavior, or causes damage to the library that has not been paid for.

Borrowing service

  • Theborrowing period in our library is 1 month. It is possible to renew the loan after the loan period has expired, unless another user requests it.
  • The user can request interlibrary loan service if he/she has not found the document in the library collection.
  • In case of non-compliance with the borrowing deadline, the user is subject to penalty fees ( according to the price list).
  • The user is obliged to return the borrowed document in the condition in which it was borrowed. Any damage or loss must be paid for by the library.

Internet access

  • The user is obliged to familiarize himself with the rules for Internet use, to follow its provisions and to follow the instructions of the librarian.
  • Internet access is free of charge.
  • The library is not responsible for the content of files and information found on the Internet.
  • Users may not search for, view or upload materials of pornographic content, materials that promote racism, materials that are religiously or ethnically offensive, materials that incite violence or drug use, or any other materials that are in violation of the law.
  • The user is obliged to pay the costs incurred by not complying with the rules set out in the Internet Operating Regulations.
  • The user must respect the privacy of other users.

The full text of the Library Rules and the Internet Operating Rules will be available on request from the Library.

Interesting links

Masaryk Public Library Vsetín
František Bartos Regional Library Zlín
National Library of the Czech Republic
Ask the library- questions directly for participating libraries

Interesting projects
Reading Helps- a charity event focusing on pupils' and students' knowledge of literature
The Whole Czech Republic Reads to Children- to promote reading literacy among children and young people
We Grow with Books- to promote reading
Bibliohelp- book therapy
Reading Rooms- books, reading, fun
E-library- access to electronic books
Kingdom of the Spoken Word- audiobooks - from fairy tales to classics

Pages for children
Webík- Czech Radio's website for children
Children's pages- so that children don't get bored
Čyřlístek- children's website with guides Myšpulín, Bobík, Pinďa and Fifinka
Alík- portal for children

For students
Writers- biographies of writers
Readers' diary- works of writers
Literary Den- readers' diary, reference resource, required reading and library in one, e-books

For aspiring writers
Liter- amateur literary server
Write Stories- a launch pad for aspiring writers

You might need

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