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Amateur theatre


Amateur theatre

Article title

The theatre association in Ratiboř was renewed in October 2017 after many years.

At the first informational meeting, we had our first 9 members, local and out of town. During the first two months we performed a shorter play, St. Nicholas, which we wrote and directed ourselves. The premiere of this play was at the local kindergarten, where the first and second grade from the elementary school came to watch. After that, there was a reprise in the Ratiboř Sokol Hall - we didn't publicize it in any way, each of the actors invited their family and a few friends. Even the mayor and his wife came to see us. The purpose of this event was to let them know at home what we were actually doing, and at the same time it was a "kind of test" for us to have the courage to perform in front of people. We also performed the play last December, also in the kindergarten and also in Valašská Polanka, which was our first trip with the theatre outside the village.

In September 2018, the line-up of the theatre changed a bit. Some members left and some joined again. And now what next... We came up with the idea early on, we chose a play by the author Petr Tomsů called Again the Dullards.

It's a political satire set in a local council environment. It suited our village, so we went for it. Within eight weeks we rehearsed the play and on November 25, 2018, we premiered it again in the Ratiborska Sokol Hall. After that, we performed three more times in Ratiboř in the local cinema, the last performance was a benefit for Charity Vsetín. The proceeds from this event were used to purchase a waterbed. Otherwise, we play in various villages in the district, we are still rehearsing and preparing another theatre play, a comedy fairy tale for children and adults.

As soon as we can rehearse the play, we will look forward to seeing you again, dear fellow citizens, and hope to cheer you up and have fun together.

On behalf of the Ratiboř amateur actors
Andrea Žambochová

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