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E- mailroom

Post office of the Municipal Office Ratiboř

Below is information on how to submit an electronic data message to theRatiboř Municipal Office.

1) Submitting a data message on-line - by sending an email

Submitting a data message at any time

Acknowledgement of receipt

  • You will receive a confirmation of receipt on the following office day
    Official mailroom days: Monday and Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

2) Submitting a data message online - by filling in the web form

By filling in this form and sending the message at any time


Confirmation of receipt

  • You will receive a confirmation of receipt on the next official day of the mailroom
    Office days: Monday and Wednesday 8-17 h

3) Delivery of the message in person or by surface mail to the mailroom

You can send or personally deliver a data message to the Ratiboř Municipal Office via the correspondence address below. When sending a data message, please indicate your name, surname, delivery address. If you are acting on behalf of an entity, please attach the ID number and name of the entity.

Place of submission of the data message

  • Ratiboř Municipal Office, Ratiboř 75, 756 22
    Official days of the post office: Monday and Wednesday 8-17 h

Time of submission

  • By surface mail at any time
  • In person during office hours

Acknowledgement of receipt

  • Receipt by surface mail is not acknowledged
  • In person on the day of receipt of the data message

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