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Mandatory information about the municipality

Annual Report 2020Informationpublished about the obliged entity pursuant to Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information

1. - Name

Municipality of Ratiboř

2. - Reason and method of establishment

The municipality of Ratiboř was established pursuant to Act No. 367/1990 Coll., on Municipalities, as amended, on the date of the elections to the municipal council. The municipality performs its functions in accordance with Act No. 128/2000 Coll., as amended.

3. - Organisational structure

4. - Contact details

Municipality of Ratiboř
Ratiboř 75
756 21 Ratiboř

Phone: 571 442 090
Mailbox ID: 24bb368

Contact postal address, address of the office for personal visits

Ratiboř 75
756 21 Ratiboř

Office hours

Monday 8:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 17:00

Telephone numbers

571 442 090 - secretariat
Further contacts here.

Website address

Address of the e-office and other electronic addresses
Further contacts here.

5. - Payments, if any, can be made by bank transfer

Česká spořitelna: 1760659339/0800 (Česká spořitelna, a.s.) - budget cashier

6. - Identification number


7. - Tax identification number


8. - Documents

Lists of main documents-official board
Budget-on the official notice board

9. - Requests for information

Requests for information pursuant to Act 106/1999 Coll. on free access to information shall be submitted
  1. orally - at the office of the authority
  2. in writing - in person at the authority's office or by post to the authority's address
    Ratiboř Municipal Office, Ratiboř 75, 756 21 Ratiboř
  3. by
  4. by electronic
  5. by telephone at the following telephone number: 571 442 090

Office hours

Monday 8:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 - 12:00 - 17:00

Act No. 106/1999 Coll. on free access to information - overview of deadlines and time limits
  • Reference to published information - Section 6(l) - 7 days
  • Call for clarification of incomprehensible or overly general information - Section 14(5)(b) - 7 days
  • Information on postponement of a request not related to the competence of the obliged entity - Section 14(5)(c) - 7 days
  • Provision of information to the applicant - Section 14(5)(d) - 15 days
  • Extension of time limit for providing information for compelling reasons - Section 14(7) - 10 days
  • Decision on appeal - Section 16(3) - 15 days
  • Clarification of applicant's request for information - Section 14(5)(a) - 30 days
  • Time limit for a complaint by an applicant who disagrees with the handling of a request in the manner specified in section 6; who, after the expiry of the time limit under section 14(5)(d) or 14(5)(c), is not satisfied with the handling of the request; and who, after the expiry of the time limit under section 14(5)(d) or 14(5)(c), is not satisfied with the handling of the request in the manner specified in section 6, is not satisfied with the handling of the request. 7 has not been provided with information or a final licence offer and a decision has not been issued rejecting the application; to whom information has been provided in part without a decision being issued rejecting the remainder of the application; or who disagrees with the amount of the payment communicated pursuant to Section 17(1)(d) or (2). (3) or the amount of remuneration pursuant to Section 14a(2) requested in connection with the provision of information - Section 16a(3) - 30 days
  • Appeal against decision - Section 16(1) - 15 days
  • Provision of information pursuant to Section 5(1) in a manner allowing remote access (Section 5(2)) - from 1 January 2001
  • Provision of information from registers in a manner allowing remote access (§ 5(3)) - from 1.1.2002
Procedure for handling requests for information according to Act No. 106/99 Coll., on free access to information.
Who can request information
  • Any natural or legal person may request information, without having to justify why they are requesting it
Who will provide the information
  • any state authority or local authority (municipality)
When the provision of information by the obliged body is restricted
  • If the requested information is designated as classified information in accordance with the legislation, to which the applicant does not have authorised access, the obliged entity shall not provide it.
  • Information relating to personality, manifestations of a personal nature, privacy of natural persons and personal data shall be provided by the obliged entity only in accordance with the legal provisions governing their protection.
  • If the requested information is a trade secret pursuant to Section 17 of Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, or pursuant to Section 504 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, the obliged entity shall not provide it.
  • Information on the property situation of a person who is not the obliged entity, obtained on the basis of the laws on taxes, fees, pension or health insurance or social security, shall not be provided by the obliged entity pursuant to this Act.
Further restrictions on the right to information
  • The obliged entity may restrict the provision of information if:
  1. it relates exclusively to internal instructions and personnel regulations of the obliged entity,
  2. it is new information which has arisen in the course of the preparation of a decision of the obliged entity, unless otherwise provided by law; this applies only until the preparation is completed by the decision; or
  3. it is information provided by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the European Union which, in the interests of national security, public safety or the protection of the rights of third parties, is protected by the said originators by the designation 'NATO UNCLASSIFIED' or 'LIMITED' and in the Czech Republic this designation is respected for the reasons of the fulfilment of the obligations arising for the Czech Republic from its membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the European Union, unless the originator has given his consent to the disclosure.
  • The obliged entity shall not provide the information if:
  1. it is information created without the use of public funds, which has been provided by a person to whom no such obligation is imposed by law, unless he or she has indicated that he or she consents to the provision of the information,
  2. it is published on the basis of a specific law and at predetermined regular intervals until the next following period; or
  3. the protection of the rights of third parties in the subject matter of the copyright would be infringed.
  • Information obtained by the obliged entity from a third party in the performance of tasks within the framework of an inspection, surveillance, monitoring or similar activity carried out on the basis of a special legal regulation under which it is subject to an obligation of confidentiality or other procedure protecting it from disclosure or misuse shall not be disclosed. The obliged entity shall provide only information which has been generated by its activities in the performance of those tasks.
  • Furthermore, obliged entities shall not provide information on
  1. ongoing criminal proceedings,
  2. the decision-making activities of the courts, with the exception of judgments,
  3. the performance of intelligence tasks
  4. the preparation, conduct and discussion of the results of audits in the bodies of the Supreme Audit Office,
  5. the activities of the Ministry of Finance under the Act on Certain Measures against the Legalization of Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism or under the Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions.
  • An obliged entity shall not provide information which is subject to the protection of copyright or rights related to copyright (hereinafter referred to as 'copyright') if it is in possession of
  1. by radio or television broadcasters who operate such broadcasts on the basis of special legislation,
  2. schools and educational establishments which are part of the education system pursuant to the Education Act and the Higher Education Act,
  3. libraries providing public library and information services pursuant to the Library Act,
  4. the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and other public institutions which are recipients or co-recipients of research and development support from public funds pursuant to the Research and Development Support Act, or
  5. cultural institutions managing public funds, such as museums, galleries, theatres, orchestras and other artistic ensembles.
  • The obliged entity shall not provide information on the activities of law enforcement authorities, including information from files, including files in which criminal proceedings have not been initiated, documents, materials and reports on the procedure for investigating notifications arising from the activities of these authorities in protecting the safety of persons, property and public order, the prevention of criminal activities and the performance of tasks under the Criminal Procedure Code, if this would jeopardise the rights of third parties or the ability of law enforcement authorities to prevent criminal activities, to search for or detect criminal activities or to prosecute criminal offences or to ensure the security of the Czech Republic.
How to request information
  • A request for information shall be made by
  1. orally, i.e. by a personal visit to the competent authority or by an enquiry made by means of a telecommunications device; or
  2. in writing, including via an electronic communications network or service.
  • If information is not provided to the applicant in response to an oral request or if the applicant does not consider the information provided in response to an oral request to be sufficient, the request must be made in writing.
What the written request must contain
  • marked ('request under the Information Act'; 'request under Act No 106/1999 Coll.'; 'request under the Freedom of Access to Information Act', etc.), i.e. that the applicant is requesting information under Act No 106/1999 Coll.
  • It must specify to which obliged entity it is addressed,
  • it must contain, in the case of a natural person: name, surname, date of birth, address of permanent residence or, if not registered for permanent residence, address of residence and address for service, if different from the address of permanent residence or address of residence, and in the case of a legal person: name, personal identification number, registered office address and address for service, if different from the registered office address of the person making the request. The address for service shall also mean the electronic address.
  • If the application is made electronically, it must be submitted via the electronic address of the registry of the obliged entity, if the obliged entity has established one. If the electronic addresses of the lodging office are not published, submission to any electronic address of the obliged entity shall be sufficient.
  • It must indicate what information is requested.
  • If the request does not contain the above information, the obliged entity shall assess the request in accordance with Section 14(5) of the Act:
  1. if the lack of information about the applicant as referred to in paragraph 2 prevents the processing of a request for information pursuant to this Act, in particular pursuant to Section 14a or 15, it shall invite the applicant to complete the request within 7 days of the date of submission of the request; if the applicant fails to comply with the invitation within 30 days of its receipt, it shall defer the request,
  2. if the application is incomprehensible, if it is not clear what information is requested or if it is formulated in too general a manner, it shall invite the applicant to specify the application within seven days of the date of submission of the application; if the applicant fails to specify the application within 30 days of the date of receipt of the invitation, it shall decide to reject the application,
  3. if the information requested does not relate to its remit, it shall defer the application and communicate that reasoned fact to the applicant within seven days of receipt of the application,
What will be the procedure to be followed by the obliged entity
  • If the mandatory body does not comply with the request, even in part, it shall issue a decision to reject the request or, where appropriate, to reject part of the request (hereinafter referred to as 'decision to reject the request') within the time limit for processing the request, except where the request is deferred.
  • The obliged entity shall defer the application if:
  1. the information requested does not relate to its competence and shall communicate this reasoned fact to the applicant within 7 days of the date of receipt of the request,
  2. the lack of information about the applicant has hindered the procedure for processing the request for information under this Act, in particular under section 14a or 15, the obliged body has invited the applicant to complete the request within 7 days of the date of the request, but the applicant has not complied with the invitation within 30 days of the date of its receipt.
  • If the obliged entity does not issue a decision rejecting the request or if the obliged entity does not postpone the request, it shall provide the information in accordance with the request within a period of no more than 15 days from the date of receipt of the request or from the date of its completion.
What if the obliged entity does not comply with the request
  • if the requested body does not comply, even partially, it shall issue a decision to that effect within the time limit for dealing with the request, which shall be delivered to the applicant by hand
  • the decision to refuse the application may be appealed against within 15 days of its notification
To whom the appeal shall be sent
  • the appeal shall be lodged with the body which issued the decision refusing the application
Who decides on the appeal
  • the appeal is decided by the authority (the competent regional authority) which is the closest superior of the obliged entity which issued the decision
  • the person who decides on the appeal must do so within 15 days of the submission of the appeal by the person who issued the decision
  • the decision of the appeal body can no longer be appealed. However, an application may be made to the competent court for a review of that decision.

10. - Receipt of submissions and complaints

  • OnLine
  • In person or by land mail
  • Place of filing:

Ratiboř Municipal Office, Ratiboř 75, 756 21 Ratiboř

  • Time of submission:
  1. By surface mail: any time
  2. In person: during the office hours of the post office
  • Acknowledgement of receipt:
  1. By surface mail: No acknowledgement of receipt
  2. In person: on the day of receipt of the message
Official days of the mailroom

Monday 8:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 8:00 - 17:00


If you have questions about the operation of the electronic mailroom, you can use
the following e-mail or postal address.

List of legal regulations under which legal acts may be performed electronically in relation to the Ratiboř Municipal Office and the requirements for such acts, in particular those relating to the use of a guaranteed electronic signature

A request for information pursuant to Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information, i.e. a written request for information pursuant to this Act, does not have to be signed with a guaranteed electronic signature.

Submission pursuant to Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Administrative Procedure Code

  • must be signed by a guaranteed electronic signature based on a qualified certificate issued by an accredited certification service provider, or
  • it does not have to be signed by a guaranteed electronic signature based on a qualified certificate issued by an accredited certification service provider; in this case, it must be completed within 3 days

11. - Regulations

List of regulations under which the municipal authority decides on the provision of information
  • Act No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information, as amended
    (regulates the position of the authorised and obliged entities in dealing with requests for information, the procedure for making decisions and providing information and the rights of the applicant in the event of refusal of information).
  • Act No. 167/2012 Coll., amending Act No. 499/2004 Coll., on archives and file service and on amending certain acts, as amended, Act No. 227/2000 Coll., on electronic signature and on amending certain other acts (Act on electronic signature), as amended, and other related acts
    (This Act regulates the use of electronic signatures, the provision of related services, the control of the obligations set out in this Act and sanctions for breach of the obligations set out in this Act).
  • Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Administrative Code, as amended
    (Regulates the procedure of executive authorities, bodies of local self-government units and other bodies, legal and natural persons when they exercise competence in the field of public administration).
  • Act No 128/2000 Coll. on Municipalities
  • Act No 133/2000 Coll. on population registration and birth registration
  • Act No 565/1990 Coll. on local taxes
  • Act No 200/1990 Coll. on offences
  • Act No 183/2006 Coll. on spatial planning and building regulations (Building Act)
  • Applicable general binding decrees
  • Resolutions of the municipal council meeting
Issued legislation

The municipality of Ratiboř issues general binding decrees which have the nature of legal regulations. The origin and effects of these legal acts differ. These are statutory regulations (statutes), internal regulations (internal instructions, directives, guidelines), public decrees and other measures.Official notice board

12. - Charges for the provision of information

The municipal authority is entitled to request reimbursement of the costs associated with the search for information, e.g. for the direct salary of a staff member, the making of copies and technical data carriers and the sending of information, and the release of information may be subject to payment of a fee or advance.

Resolution of the higher authority on the amount of the fees for the provision of information

The applicant may lodge a complaint against the procedure for handling a request for information if he disagrees with the amount of the fee communicated to the applicant in writing by the obliged body before the information is provided, or if he disagrees with the amount of the fee for the authorisation to use the information on the basis of a licence agreement. The complaint may be lodged in writing or orally with the obliged entity. The superior authority shall decide on the complaint. At present, there are no decisions of the superior authority concerning these complaints.

13. - Model licence agreements

There are currently no model license agreements provided for theMunicipality of Ratibor.

14. - Annual report pursuant to Act No. 106/1999 Coll.

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2020

Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2018


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