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Article title

In our kindergarten live ladybugs, teddy bears and kittens...

Our beautiful kindergarten with a large garden is located in the beautiful Wallachian countryside. The nursery underwent extensive renovation in 2017-2019 to meet all hygiene standards and also to increase its capacity. The garden was completed with new play slides, swings, climbing frames and other play elements.

In three heterogeneous classes of Ladybugs, Teddy Bears and Kittens we educate children according to the PV curriculum "It goes better with a smile". Based on the principles of healthy optimism, mutual understanding, trust and in accordance with the PV FP, we lead children to discover the beauty of the world and its ethical and moral values. In this work we use new methods of work and pedagogical experience from the past years, when we focused on educating children in the spirit of family and regional traditions. Within the framework of sub-projects we focus on speech therapy prevention and pre-swimming training.

Our intention is to make every child feel comfortable and happy in the kindergarten. He or she develops physically, mentally, socially and spiritually based on his or her abilities and interests. He/she will have confidence in the nursery staff and his/her loved ones. All the knowledge acquired in the pre-school period could then be fully applied in further education and in adulthood.

Theteaching team of the Ratiboř kindergarten - Pavlína Ferdicsová, Barbora Machálková, Bc.Lucie Adámková, Zdeňka Březovjáková, Vladimíra Staňková and Bc. Eva Vidlářová (Photo: Jiří Galda)


Kindergarten Ratiboř
Ratiboř 412, 75 621

ID: 70944113
IZO: 107634112
RED-IZO: 600149170
PO Box: p5m6vnp

Monday-Friday 6:15am-4pm
Please have children arrive by 8:00am in the morning, after 8:00am the children's program begins.


In the morning, the children must be ready for the children's class at 8:00 a.m.
+420 571 442 751 / +420 601 361 425 /

In the kindergarten, we also provide cooking meals for children of the Ratiboř Kindergarten, Ratiboř Primary School and, as an additional activity, cooking meals for the public with lunch delivery to the house. If you are interested in the lunch delivery service, please contact Petra Frydrychová.

IZO kindergarten cafeteria (Ratiboř 412): 103108424
IZO school canteen - dispensary (Ratiboř 112): 173000495

Head of school catering

Petra Frydrychová
+420 571 116 503/


Dagmar Trčková, Alena Juráňová and Irena Barvíková

Operational staff

Jarmila Macečková and Miriam Javoříková

Lunch delivery

Andrea Žambochová

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