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Article title

What good things the cooks prepared for us...

Head of school catering

Petra Frydrychová
+420 571 116 503/

Cooks - Dagmar Trčková, Alena Juráňová and Irena Barvíková
Operational staff - Jarmila Macečková and Miriam Javoříková
Lunch delivery in the village - Andrea Žambochová

Allergen labelling

1 - cereals containing gluten (p - wheat, r - rye), 2 - crustaceans and products thereof, 3 - eggs and products thereof, 4 - fish and products thereof, 5 - peanuts and products thereof, 6 - soya beans and products thereof, 7 - milk and products thereof, 8 - nuts, 9 - celery and products thereof, 10 - mustard and products thereof, 11 - sesame seeds and products thereof, 12 - sulphur dioxide and sulphites, 13 - lupins and products thereof, 14 - molluscs and products thereof

Menu 9.5. - 13.5. 2022

Monday: Snack-baguette with herb butter, Swedish tea (1p,7) Lunch-soup-meat broth soup with homemade breadcrumbs (1p,3,9),Mexican beans, bread (1p,6,9),Indian tea Snack-musli bar, apple, VITA drink (1p,6)

Snack-bread with butter and boiled egg, milk (1p,3,7) Lunch-vegetable soup withyeast dumplings (1p,3,7,9),pork shoulder with mushrooms, mashed potatoes, school salad (1p,7,9) kiwi drink, fruit Snack-fruit snack, biscuit, green tea (1p,3)

Wednesday: Snack-bread with honey butter, cocoa (1p,7), Lunch-chickpea soup (1p,9), roast chicken, steamed rice (1p,7), mixed compote, fruit juice Snack-roll with cheese spread, radish, orange drink (1p,7)

Thursday: Snack-warm fish sandwich, white coffee (1p,3,4,7), Lunch-potato soup with smoked meat (1p,9), cheesecake doughnuts withstrawberry mousse (1p,3,7),red tea, fruit Snack-bread with ham mousse, paprika, fruit tea (1p,6,7)

Friday: Snack-bread with Wallachian spread, tomato, milk (1p,6,7) Lunch-spinach soup (1p,3,7),pickled chicken cutlets, boiled potato, cream dressing (3,7),VITA drink, oat snack (1p,6) Snack-pop, apple, flavored milk (1p,3,7)

Menu 2.5. - 6.5. 2022

Monday: Snack-bread withgarlic spread, tomato, milk (1p,7) Lunch-buckwheat soup (1p,9),fish fillet with cheese and tomato, mashed potatoes (4,7,9),grated carrots withapple, fruit juice Snack-crunchy slice with deli cream, cucumber, VITA drink (1p,6,7)

Tuesday: Snack-cream yogurt, roll, apple, rosehip tea (1p,7) Lunch-lentil soup (1p,9),roasted grafted chicken, steamed rice, beetroot (1p,3,7,9),red tea Snack-bread with soybean spread, carrots, chamomile tea (1p,6,7)

Wednesday: Snack-bread with butter and tuna, leeks, milk (1p,4,7) Lunch-cauliflower soup (1p,3,7,9), mum's chicken (1p,6,7,9), drink Turnip Snack- sandwich with butter and kiwi, elderflower drink (1p,7)

Thursday: Snack-bread with spread ofroasted meat, paprika, fruit tea (1p,7,10) Lunch-Frankfurt soup (1p,3,7), ducat buns with cream (1p,3,7), Indian tea, fruit Snack-bread with sandwich spread, cucumber, orange drink (1p,6)

Friday: Snack-bread with cottage cheese-carrot spread, radish, milk (1p,7) Lunch-soup broth with pasta (1p,9),pork cubes in cabbage, boiled potato (1p,9),VITA drink Snack- muesli bar, banana, green tea (1p,6)

Menu 25.4. - 29.4. 2022

Monday: Snack-baguette with cheese spread, cucumber, milk (1p,7) Lunch-bean soup (1p,9),spring roast, mashed potatoes, coleslaw (1p,3,7,9,10),red tea, fruit Snack-bread with butter and boiled egg, chives, forest mix drink (1p,3,7)

Tuesday: Snack-bread with honey butter, milk (1p,7), Lunch-vegetable soup (9),Prague spaghetti with cheese (1p,6,7),VITA drink Snack-vegetable bowl with cheese, crisp slice, chamomile tea (1p,6,7)

Wednesday: Snack-bread with butter and tomato, white coffee (1p,7), Lunch-rice soup (1p,7,9), creamed sirloin, yeast dumplings (1p,3,7,9,10), Indian tea Snack-sandwich with fruit spread, banana, VITA drink (1p,7)

Thursday: Snack-bread with ham mousse, pepper, green tea (1p,6,7) Lunch-goulash soup (1p,9), bun withapple (1p,3,7),flavored milk, fruit (7) Snack-bread with fish spread, leek, orange drink (1p,4,7)

Friday: Snack-cream yoghurt, cornflakes, apple, fruit tea (1p,7) Lunch-hokaido soup (1p,7),chicken gyros, couscous (1p,4,9),VITA drink Snack-bread with lentil spread, carrots, milk (1p,7)

Menu 18.4. - 22.4. 2022

Monday: Easter

Tuesday: Snack-baguette withtuna spread, leeks, white coffee (1p,4,7) Lunch-meat cream soup (1p,7,9), lentils on sour cream, boiled egg, onion, bread, cucumber (1p,3), fruit tea Snack-crisp slice with deli cream, paprika, elderflower juice (1p,6,7)

Wednesday: Snack-cream yoghurt, roll, apple, green tea (1p,7) Lunch-soup broth with pasta (1p,9),Moravian sparrow, stewed carrots, boiled potato (1p,7,9),drink forest mix, fruit
Snack-bread with soya bean spread, cucumber, chamomile tea (1p,6,7)

Thursday: Snack-sandwich bread, Swedish tea (1p,6,7), Lunch-vegetable soup with couscous (1p,7,9), pork roast, steamed rice, school salad (1p,7,9), VITA drink Snack-whipped cottage cheese with chocolate, rosehip tea (7)

Friday: Snack-bread with butter and hard cheese, carrots, milk (1p,7) Lunch-pea soup (1p,9),baked potatoes with chicken and broccoli (7),tea with echinacea Snack-fruit snack, apple, red tea (1p,6,12)

Menu 11.4. - 15.4.2022

Snack-cream yoghurt, cornflakes, apple, rosehip tea (1p,7)
Lunch - chickpea soup (1p,9), buttered fish fillet, mashed potatoes, school salad (1p,4,7), red tea, fruit
Snack - bread with spinach spread, orange drink (1p,3,7)

Snack - bread with cheese spread, tomato, milk (1p,7)
Lunch - RISI BISI soup (9), chicken with paprika, pasta (1p,7,9), Indian tea
Snack - vegetable bowl with cheese, crispy slice, VITA drink (1p,6,7)

Snack - bread with fish spread, leeks, white coffee (1p,4,7)
Lunch - barley soup (1p,7,9), gnocchi with smoked meat and cabbage (1p,3), turnip drink, coconut bar (1p,6)
Snack - sandwich with butter and banana, kiwi drink (1p,7)

Snack - suet, cocoa, apple (1p,3,7)
Lunch - yeast soup (1p,3,7,9), Spanish bird, steamed rice (1p,3,7,9), fruit tea
Snack - bread with egg spread, paprika, green tea (1p,3,7)


Menu 4.4. - 8.4. 2022

Breakfast - bread with Budapest spread, milk (1p,7)
Lunch - cabbage soup with potatoes (1p,7,9), chicken noodles on vegetables, steamed rice, beetroot (1p,7,9,) drink Melon, fruit
Snack - baguette with butter and carrots, fruit tea (1p,7)

Snack - toast with garlic butter and cheese, peppers, green tea (1p,7)
Lunch - semolina soup with egg (1p,3,7,9), mashed peas with sausage, onion, cucumber, bread (1p,6,9), Indian tea
Snack - bread and butter, apple, flavoured milk (1p,3,7)

Snack - bread with herb butter, tomato, milk (1p,7)
Lunch - cauliflower soup with curry (1p,7), Moravian sparrow, steamed spinach, potato dumpling (1p,3,7), red tea
Snack - crispy slice with soya bean spread, cucumber, kiwi drink (1p,6,7)

Snack - creamy yoghurt, roll, apple, chamomile tea (1p,7)
Lunch - mixed legume soup (1p,9),roasted znojmo, pasta (1p,7),VITA drink, fruit
Snack - bread with butter and ham, paprika, milk (1p,6,7)

Snack- - bread with tuna spread, leeks, white coffee (1p,4,7)
Lunch - turkey broth soup with dripping (1p,3,9),dill sauce, boiled egg, potato (1p,3,7),orange drink
Snack - sandwich with butter, kiwi, rosehip tea (1p,7)

Menu 28.3. - 1.4.2022

Monday: Snack-bread with cheese spread, cucumber, milk (1p,7) Lunch-flake soup (1p,7,9),chicken china, steamed rice (1p,7,9),kiwi drink Snack-homemade apple strudel, flavoured milk (1p,3,7)

Tuesday Snack-warm fish sandwich, green tea (1p,3,4,7) Lunch-soup Krkonoše onion soup (9), semolina porridge with butter and cocoa (1p,7), fruit tea, fruit Snack-bread with ham foam, tomato, VITA drink (1p,7)

Wednesday: Snack-bread with honey butter, white coffee (1p,7) Lunch-broccoli soup with bulgur (1p,7,9),chicken leg roasted on cabbage, boiled potato (1p),VITA drink Snack-sandwich with garlic spread, paprika, chamomile tea (1p,7)

Thursday: Snack-cream yoghurt, cornflakes, apple, chamomile tea (1p,7) Lunch-lentil soup (1p,9), baked pasta with smoked meat, cucumber (1p,3,7), red tea Snack-bread with butter and tuna, leek, orange drink (1p,4,7)

Friday: Snack-palamade withbutter spread, chives, milk (1p,7), Lunch-coloured soup with buckwheat (7,9), breaded fish pieces, mashed potatoes (1p,3,4,7), grated carrots with apples, fruit juice Snack-poppy seed strudel, cocoa (1p,3,7)

Menu 21.3. - 25.3. 2022

Monday: Snack-bread withcheese spread, paprika, milk (1p,7) Lunch-smoked soup with hail (1p,9),smoked slice, mashed potato, coleslaw (7,9),fruit tea Snack-fruit snack, biscuit, VITA drink (1p,3)

Tuesday: Snack-baguette withtuna spread, leeks, white coffee (1p,4,7) Lunch-celery soup (1p,7,9), meatballs in tomato sauce, pasta (1p,3,7), orange drink Snack-bread with butter and boiled egg, chamomile tea (1p,3,7)

Wednesday Snack-crunchy slice withvitamin spread, Swedish tea (1p,6,7) Lunch-soup fromegg porridge (1p,3,7,9),Szeged goulash, roll (1p,3,7),red tea Snack-bread with jam, kiwi drink (1p,6)

Thursday: Snack-bread with meat spread, pepper, Indian tea (1p,7) Lunch-Norwegian fish soup (1p,4,7,9), rice pudding withapples (7), chilled milk (7) Snack-bread with butter and ham, tomato, rosehip tea (1p,6,7)

Friday: Snack-bread with butter and carrots, milk (1p,7) Lunch-bean soup (1p,9),fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mixed compote (1p,3,7),fruit juice Snack-fruit snack, apple, red tea (1p,6)

Menu 14.3. - 18.3. 2022

Monday: Snack-cream yoghurt, roll, apple, green tea (1p,7) Lunch-red lentil soup (1p,9),minced roast with peppers, mashed potatoes, beetroot (1p,3,7,9,10), VITA drink Snack-bread with butter and hard cheese, carrots, milk (1p,7)

Tuesday: Snack-toustes baked with cheese, steril. Peppers, white coffee (1p,7), Lunch-soup potato soup withbuckwheat (1p,9),bean stew, bread (1p,9),Indian tea Snack-baguette with fish spread, leek, red tea (1p,4,7)

Wednesday: Snack-bread with honey butter, milk (1p,7) Lunch-garlic soup with egg (1p,3,9),Bratislava pork shoulder, yeast dumplings (1p,3,7,9),orange drink Snack-sandwich with pumpkin spread, rosehip tea (1p,7,9)

Thursday: Snack-ham sandwich with ham foam, cucumber, chamomile tea (1p,7) Lunch-soup BORSCH (1p,7,9),pasta with cottage cheese topping (1p,7),flavoured milk, fruit (7) Snack-bread with sandwich spread, tomato, VITA drink (1p,6)

Friday: Snack-bread and butter, cocoa, apple (1p,7), Lunch-soup turkey broth with pasta (1p,9), Zagorac roll, boiled potato (1p,9), drink Carrot Snack-bread with egg spread, tea (1p,3,7)

Menu 7.3. - 11.3. 2022

Monday: Snack-bread with soybean spread, paprika, milk (1p,6,7) Lunch-spinach soup (1p,3,7,9), fish fillet with cream, mashed potatoes (1p,4,7,9), grated carrot with apple, fruit juice Snack-pudding with fruit, green tea (1p,7)

Tuesday: Snack-bread with roast meat spread, cucumber, fruit tea (1p,7) Lunch-soup meat broth withhomemade crumble (1p,3,9), porridge with butter and cocoa (1p,7), tea with syrup, fruit Snack-bread with butter and ham, paprika, VITA drink (1p,6,7)

Wednesday: Snack-cream yogurt, cornflakes, apple, rosehip tea (1p,7) Lunch-pea soup (1p,9),beef slice on mushrooms, pasta (1p,7,9),orange drink Snack-baguette with deli cream, radish, milk (1p,6,7)

Thursday:REJ MASK Snack- sausage inhot dog, mustard, ketchup, Indian tea (1p,6,10) Lunch- carrot soup (1p,7),pork risotto with cheese, cucumber (7,9),VITA drink, dessert, fruit (1p,3,7) Snack - sandwich with butter and tomato, chamomile tea (1p,7)

Friday: Snack-bread with butter and boiled egg, milk (1p,3,7), Lunch-leek soup with couscous (1p,3,7,9), Serbian sprats, boiled potato (1p,6,7,9), Indian tea Snack-flaky roll with cheese spread, cucumber, red tea (1p,7)

Menu 28.2. - 4.3. 2022

Monday: Snack-bread with honey butter, milk (1p,7) Lunch-pea cream soup (1p,7),cevabci, boiled potato, onion, mustard (1p,3,7,10),Rakýtek drink, fruit Snack-bread with butter and carrots, red tea (1p,7)

Tuesday: Snack-baked toast with ham and cheese, rosehip tea (1p,6,7) Lunch-tomato soup with rice (1p,7,9),sour lentils, boiled egg, onion, cucumber bread (1p,3,9),Indian tea Snack-baguette with fish spread, leek, milk (1p,4,7,10)

Wednesday: &n

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