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Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA


Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

We are trying to preserve Wallachian customs and traditions in our village.

The folklore ensemble was founded in 2014, when first the children's component Kosáček was established, shortly after which the men Kosáček began to meet. We try to preserve Wallachian customs and traditions in our village.

Children aged 4 and up sing and dance Wallachian songs with the aim of preserving and reviving forgotten traditions. The Kosacs perform at village events and accompany the "Year in the countryside" with their bands. Traditional events include the spring hoisting of the Marena and the associated welcoming of spring, and at the end of May the children perform at the Gulášový král (Goulash King), where they perform a band with various themes. In autumn, they sing and dance for the benefit of the sick and the elderly, and they also take part in the Children's Wallachian Ball. At the beginning of Advent, they light the Christmas tree with a Christmas-themed band and between the holidays they go caroling together with the Scythe Men - the Shrovetide.

Rehearsals are regularly every Wednesday in the hall of the Community Centre in Ratiboř.

  • Preschool children 16.00-16.45
  • Children of school age 17.00-18.00

Contacts for the leaders of Kosáček
Lucka Žabčíková / +420 731 104 654
Barča Machálková / +420 731 104 642
Lenka Zelenková / +420 774 235 603

A male choir dedicated to singing and presenting old Wallachian and Piács songs. It sings at municipal events, organizes and participates in public rehearsals of male choirs from the Moravian region. The choir has toured Poland and performs at many folklore and cultural events outside the village and the region.

It meets regularly every Monday at 7 p.m. in the Community Centre building in Ratibor, new members are welcome.

Contact the leader of the Kosaci
Martin Žabčík / +420 737 365 745

The Jarášek Children's Dulcimer Music was founded in September 2021 at the Morava School of Music. Its members are mostly children from the village of Ratiboř, but also from surrounding villages. Their repertoire is gradually expanding under the leadership of Robin Lefner.

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