What services do we provide?
Extracts from public administration information systems
- Issuance of certified output from the List of Qualified Suppliers
- Extract of electronic prescriptions
- Extract from the driver's score
- Extract from the insolvency register
- Extract from the Real Estate Cadastre
- Extract from the Criminal Register
- Extract from the criminal record of a legal entity
- Extract from Public Registers
- Extract from the Trade Register
Submissions to the state administration
- Submission to the Register of Participants in the ISOH Wreck Module Operation
- Acceptance of submissions under the Trade Licensing Act (§ 72)
Basic registers
- General information about the basic registers
- List of basic registers agendas
Data boxes
- Data boxes
- General information about data box agendas
- List of data box agendas
Conversion on request, eLegalization and related services
- Central repository of authentication clauses
- eLegalization
- Conversion
- Czech POINT system storage
Mediated identification
- Mediated identification of a person
More information on the website www.czechpoint.cz
Other services
- Verification of signatures and documents
- fees
- dispensing of bags for sorted waste
What services do we not provide?
- We do not provide ID cards or passports