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NEW mobile app for Ratiboř

30. April 2021 | Ratiboř

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Download the new mobile app of our municipality

You will immediately get up-to-date information about what is happening in the village or from the village associations. You simply choose what you are interested in and when something happens, you will know immediately. Browse the municipal newsletter, the official board or the municipal advertisements, look at photos and watch videos. Easily send a complaint to the mayor or report a problem or defect on municipal property. You can also post or search the classifieds for free and you won't have to go far if you like something. You can make and send a video, which we might put on the municipal TV infocanal. Other services and gadgets will be added gradually...

Install the MUNICIPAL NETWORK app and you will have our entire municipality in your pocket!

After registering (filling in your name and entering your email with a phone number to which you will receive a verification code) you will have everything you are interested in on your phone. We are still developing the app, so if you find a bug in the app or have a suggestion for improvement, email us at

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