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VideoNewsletter 2022 / June

13. June 2022 | Ratiboř

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Check out the June VideoNewsletter...

  1. Construction of a community centre
  2. Reconstruction of the bridge at Zahradníky
  3. Reconstruction of the road under the Fire Station
  4. Reconstruction of flats in vacant premises
  5. Planting of greenery
  6. Electronic office board – infopoint
  7. Weather station on the roof of the municipal office
  8. Drawing of the winners of the Merry Easter walks

You can also watch the current VideoNews on the Ratiboř TV infochannel, where it is broadcast every day at 6:00, 7:00, 10:00, 16:00, 18:00 and 20:00.

You can read the printed newsletters at this link:

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