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VIDEO - Ratiboř. Small big beauty...

18. January 2022 | Ratiboř

Article title

Watch a short presentation video of our village...


There are bigger cities,
with a more famous name,
but you won't find it in them, in this land.

Perhaps it is small,
But in my heart there are none greater,
The grass smells better here,
and the local pond is more beautiful than the sea.

Maybe it's not the size,
...that makes it so overwhelming to others,
yet in every corner a glimmer of light,
...and this is Ratiboř, my chosen one.

There are plenty of heroes here
and legends even more,
and in their strength, hope and true bonds,
everything is as it should be, nothing is missing.

We're closer to the sun here,
and each other,
as far as the size of the heart is concerned,
nothing compares to this great place.

Ratiboř. A little big beauty.

The medallion was created as a presentation of our village within the project "Development and improvement of communication with the public" registration number CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/19_109/0016866 for the micro-region Central Vsetínsko and is co-financed by the European Union - European Social Fund - Operational Programme Employment. The video was produced by IS Produkce s.r.o.

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