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Information on the operation of the kindergarten from 12 April 2021

9. April 2021 | Mateřská škola

Article title

Operational conditions for the opening of the kindergarten

Main information

1. From Monday, 12 April 2021, the Ratiboř Kindergarten is open only for children in compulsory pre-school education, in groups of up to 15 children according to the regulation of the Ministry of Education. During the period of extraordinary measures, children may not be included in the mainstream class.

2. On the basis of an emergency measure of the MoH, children of parents working in the IZS are allowed a full-day personal presence for education in the kindergarten in which they are enrolled. The legal guardian shall provide proof of membership in the chosen professions to the school by means of a certificate from the employer. These children must be individually registered for attendance.

3. Access to the building is permitted:

  • Persons wearing a respirator (standards according to MoH).
  • Children of Ratiboř Kindergarten without respiratory cover.

4. Homogeneity of classes is mandatory - classes must not be combined.

5. Parents do not enter the classroom, hand the child to the teacher at the classroom door.

Information on testing children

Based on the Emergency Measure of the Ministry of Health of 6 April 2021, the personal presence of children in kindergarten is conditional on participation in mandatory non-invasive testing twice a week.

1. antigen testing on Mondays and Thursdays in the entrance hall of the kindergarten

  • The test will be performed by the child's legal guardian with the assistance of a Kindergarten staff member.
  • Capacity to test 4 children at a time, others must wait outside the building.
  • The legal guardian must wait approximately 15 minutes for the test to be administered.
  • If a child enters the Kindergarten outside the designated testing days, the child will be tested on the day of entry by prior arrangement with the director.

2. A child who is not tested cannot participate in education and the school will record the absence as excused.

3. Arrangements for testing on the 1st day of school opening will be more challenging, please allow for delays in the Nursery, arrive early.

4. Link to instructional video - the website: has a video procedure for testing children in school - Singclean tests that will be used in our school. Through this video you can prepare your child for the testing process. You will find other useful information on this website.

5. Testing is not carried out:

  • Children who have undergone isolation due to COVID-19 disease at least to the extent specified in the current MOH emergency measure governing the ordering of isolation and quarantine and at the same time no more than 90 days have elapsed since the first RT-PCR test with a positive result. This must be documented by a doctor's certificate, medical report or laboratory report.
  • Children who have been issued a certificate by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic on vaccination against COVID-19 and at least 14 days have elapsed since the second dose of vaccine was administered in the case of a two-dose schedule according to the Summary of Product Characteristics of the SPC, or at least 14 days have elapsed since the first dose of vaccine was administered in the case of a single-dose schedule according to the SPC. A certificate must be provided.
  • Children who provide evidence of a negative RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 or a negative POC antigen test performed at a sampling site that is less than 48 hours old.

6. The result of the test shall be recorded by the designated school staff member on the mass list of children tested.

7. If the antigen test is positive, a positive test certificate will be issued and the legal guardian must contact the attending child and adolescent practitioner, who will send the child for RT-PCR testing. The child will be removed from the school immediately.

Zdeňka Březovjáková
Director of Ratiboř Kindergarten

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