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Today is 13. March 2025 and it's Růženaday 8°C | Tomorrow Rút/Matylda 4°C

Little big village…

The project "Equipment for cultural events in the village of Ratiboř" was realized from the subsidy of the State Agricultural Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development (SZIF) through the Central Vsetín Region LAG, z. s. Thanks to the project, 5 beer sets with backrests were purchased and a modular stage consisting of 20 stage boards was purchased to create different shapes and combinations, always according to the specific needs and requirements of both organizers and performers.

 Facilities for cultural events in the village of Ratiboř

The project "Ratiboř House of Services" is supported by a grant from the Zlín Region Fund in the amount of CZK 250,000. The purpose of the project is to expand the services offered in the village, modernize the facilities, remove barriers in the building and reduce the energy consumption of the building.

 House of Services Ratiboř

The project "Equipment for JSDHO Ratiboř" is supported by a combined subsidy from the Zlín Region Fund in the amount of CZK 107,000 broken down as follows: investment subsidy CZK 28,700, non-investment subsidy CZK 78,300. The aim was to purchase response boots, helmets, hand torches and means for fighting forest fires.

 Equipment for JSDHO Ratiboř

In October 2024, the modernization of the Workout Playground in Ratiboř was supported by a grant from the Zlín Region in the amount of CZK 198,613. The purpose of the project was to replace the surface of the workout playground, which serves as an outdoor activity, with a better and safer surface that facilitates movement on the playground for all generations.

 Modernization of the Workout Playground

The Ratiboř Village 75 PV plant project is co-financed by the Modernization Fund on the basis of a decision of the Minister of the Environment. The aim of the project was to implement a photovoltaic power plant with an output of 19.80 kWp on the roof of the municipal office building.

 FVE Municipality Ratiboř 75

The Ratiboř 308 PV project is co-financed by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme through the Modernisation Fund. The subject of the project is the installation of a PV plant with an output of 19.8 kWp on the building No. 308 in the municipality of Ratiboř.

 FVE village Ratiboř 308

The Ratiboř 361 PV project is co-financed by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme through the Modernisation Fund. The subject of the project is the installation of a PV plant with an output of 14.85 kWp on building no. 361 in the municipality of Ratiboř.

 FVE village Ratiboř 361

The Ratiboř Municipality 412 MŠ PV project is co-financed by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme through the Modernisation Fund. The aim of the project was to implement a PV plant with an output of 19.8 kWp on the roof of the kindergarten building.

 FVE Municipality Ratiboř 412 MŠ

The project "System of separate collection and collection of bio-waste in the municipality of Ratiboř" is co-financed by the EU. The aim of the project is to create a system of separate collection and collection through the purchase of 600 containers for bio-waste at the properties of the residents. At the same time, the system is supplemented by 10 larger containers with a capacity of 1100 I. A collection vehicle has also been purchased.

 System of separate collection and collection of bio-waste in the municipality of Ratiboř

This project is co-financed by the European Union. Support for projects of final applicants fulfilling the objectives of the SCLLD of the LAG Central Vsetín Region, z.s.


 Fire station Ratiboř

The project Development and improvement of communication with the public (registration number CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/19_109/0016866) is co-financed by the European Union - Operational Programme Employment.

 Developing and improving communication with the public

The project POLYFUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY CENTRE IN RATIBOR is co-financed by the European Union. The aim of the project is to increase the quality and accessibility of services in the village of Ratiboř and its surroundings leading to social inclusion of targeted persons into society through the extension of a new multifunctional community centre.

 Multifunctional community centre in Ratiboř

The project Collection yard in Ratiboř – Stage III is co-financed by the European Union – Cohesion Fund / European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Environment

 Collection yard in the village of Ratiboř – Stage III
The project FLOOD PROTECTION MEASURES OF RATIBOR (registration number CZ.05.1.24/0.0/0.0/20_145/0012594) - the subject of support is the supplementation and upgrade of the local warning system with the addition of data to the flood plan in order to help the correct assessment of flood risk, protection of health and property of citizens...
 Flood control measures in the municipality of Ratiboř


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