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Lanternade 2019

Datum: 1. November 2019

Article title

The evening walk through the village took place on 1 November 2019.

Traditionally, the beginning of November belongs to LAMPIONADA. This year, this beautiful event fell on Friday, November 1, 2019. The meeting was at the kindergarten, where a lot of children and their parents gathered with lighted lanterns. Everyone admired the amazingly carved pumpkins that were scattered all around.

The whole parade then took the tried and tested route from the kindergarten, past the Javoříky, through the road to the Janíčky. Mr. Tonda Gabryš had prepared a little surprise for the cold-hearted parents at his barn. The parade continued on towards Kosiska, where at the crossroads near the Gabryš family, it turned towards the cemetery, until it reached the garden of the old rectory. The whole route was beautifully decorated and illuminated with lanterns and carved pumpkins. At the end, refreshments were served in the garden of the old rectory. The weather was good and we were very pleased that besides children and parents, other citizens of our village joined the evening lantern walk.

We would liketo thank the willing parents for their help in organizing and making lanterns and pumpkins, SDH Ratiboř for their help in decorating the route and the Municipality of Ratiboř for their support and great cooperation.

Parents Club of Ratiboř Kindergarten and Primary School

Plakát Lanternade 2019

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