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Resumption of operation of the KITTEN class

15. February 2021 | Mateřská škola

Article title

From 16 February 2021, the traffic in the Kittens Avenue will be reopened.

Dear Parents,
The Head Office of Ratiboř Kindergarten would like to inform you that from 16 February 2021 the operation of the Kindergarten class will start.

Parents of children who have been quarantined will turn in an affidavit of a negative COVID-19 test performed on their child as of 2/9/2021 on the day of arrival on 2/16. Children excused for the entire week will bring the affidavit later at arrival.

The form can be downloaded below and will also be available printed in the kindergarten lobby.

Thank you for your cooperation and good health to all.
Zdeňka Březovjáková
Headmistress of the school

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