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Observatory Vsetín

7. March 2024 | Mateřská škola

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Today we went on a tour of the Vsetín Observatory with older children…

We were greeted by a very nice stargazer, Mr. Svozil , who was outside talking to the children about the planets of the solar system and what each planet is characterized by. We learned a lot of interesting things. Because of the weather we couldn't observe the sun, but we did get to explore the observatory, which consists of five different sized telescopes. The longest is called a lens telescope and the largest is a mirror telescope. Mr. Svozil also showed us the different directions you can turn the telescope, but the important thing to remember is not to look deliberately into the sun, and certainly not through the telescope! And today, when the sun hid behind the clouds, we took a closer look at it in short videos. But before that, we got to touch a meteorite that was found in the Sahara. So we give today a thumbs up :)

Photo gallery 12 fotek


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