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Unveiling the symbol of the royal throne

Datum: 19. June 2021

Forgotten Fates

Article title

On the afternoon of Saturday 19 June 2021, the statue "Wenceslas III." at the confluence of the Ratibořka and Bečva rivers.

This was the culmination of two initiatives of citizens, which today can be found on the website of the municipality of Ratiboř under the section Societies and Institutions called NS Forgotten Fates and NS Behind the Wallachian Songbook. These two nature trails (NS) have one common point - the area around the confluence of the Ratibořka and the Bečva.

NS Forgotten Fates commemorates an event that is over 700 years old. King Wenceslas III decided to build the Cistercian monastery Thronus Regis here, but the king was murdered in Olomouc in 1306 and the monastery was abandoned. The event is commemorated by an information panel, a linden tree and, as of Saturday 19 June 2021, a wooden statue "Throne of Wenceslas III" (the statue depicts the throne that bears the name of King Wenceslas III in honour of him).

The educational trail called Around Ratiboř for Wallachian Song even has two stops in this area. One is right at the confluence of the Ratibořka and the Bečva, the other - U dubu - about 150 metres upstream of the Ratibořka at the end of the Ratiboř cycle path by the Vsetín - Valašské Meziříčí cycle path. Here you can find a stylish wooden shelter with a table and two benches, an info-panel about the NS Around Ratiboř behind the Wallachian song with a metal post for a commemorative book and a bike rack.

And now to the actual course of Saturday afternoon. Martin Žabčík, the mayor of Ratibor, spoke to the participants present at the event. The historical reality of the early 14th century in the local region was briefly and interestingly explained by historian Mgr. Zdeněk Pomkla, and the Kosáci sang to the audience. The actual unveiling of the statue "Throne of Wenceslas III" was carried out by both of the aforementioned, while Martin Žabčík reminded that the author of the design of the statue is a native of Ratiboř, academic architect Libor Sošťák, and "Throne of Wenceslas III" was made under his "supervision" by another Ratiboř resident Patrik Srněnský. Then the participants of the ceremony moved to the meadow at the confluence of the Ratibořka and the Bečva, where the Alternus historical fencing group led by Mirek Hlinský impressed not only the youth present with their performances. The whole event was moderated and directed by the provost of the imaginary Cistercian monastery Ctirad.

Again we have something to remember.


The municipality of Ratiboř in cooperation with the LG Ratiboř, with the participation of the group Alternus, invite you to the Unveiling of the symbol of the royal throne on the site of the planned construction of the monastery "Thronus Regis" by Wenceslas III in 1306 at the confluence of the Ratibořka and the Bečva on Saturday 19 June 2021
from 14:00 (at the confluence)

  • Opening remarks by Martin Žabčík, Mayor of Ratiboře
  • Mgr. Zdeněk Pomkla from the State District Archive Vsetín
  • Unveiling of the symbolic throne
  • Performance of the male choir Kosáci from Ratibor
  • Medieval times will be presented by the historical fencing group ALTERNUS

Parking for cars arranged at Prefix.
The event takes place in all weather conditions!

Plakát Unveiling the symbol of the royal throne

Photo gallery 88 fotek


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