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Preliminary tournament in Hošt'álková

21. February 2016 | Fotbalisti


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In the penultimate weekend in February, both teams of our younger pre-school teams were confronted with their peers in the sports hall in Hošťálková.

On Saturday, February 20, Hošťálková hosted a tournament for years 07 and younger. After the first two sleepy matches with the winning Batau and third placed Kateřinice (0:6 and 0:4) it looked like a towel. In the third match against the second Jablunka there was an improvement - a narrow 1:2 loss. Polanka and Ratajím (2:0 and 5:0) were unfortunately not confirmed in the match against the home team. In an even match, the better shooting prowess of the opponent decided the game, winning 3:1. In the final standings we finished on the 5th place, when our goals were scored by - Vasek Machacek 6, Kubik Hastik 2 and Jirka Zubicek 1.

On Sunday, 21st February, our youngest (2008 and younger) competed against seven other opponents in a tournament organized by us in the hall in Hošťálková. The tournament was a bit different than usual. All participating teams finished in first place, each player got a gold medal, the team got a cup and a bag full of goodies. For these goodies we would like to thank Mrs. Sušňová and Uhrínová, who willingly cooperate with us in this direction. Although the teams played for victory points, the most important thing was that everyone, even the little ones, joined in the game regardless of the result. Unfortunately, some teams did not embrace this idea and came with older boys.

From the overall point of view, we can say that the most compact and football team was FC Vsetín working with the year 08, supplemented by a few boys of the year 09. Meziříčí "B", which showed good coaching leadership supported by enthusiastic and ever-encouraging parents. I mustn't forget the Benjamins from Hošťálková, who were the smallest of all, and yet they fought with all their might no matter what the scoreboard showed. And our boys? Three wins, one draw and three defeats were roughly what we expected. The reality of moving from our gym to a larger surface was not something all of our players were able to deal with quickly. Adam Hynek led the team in scoring with 8 goals, ably supported by Kuba Hastik with 4 goals and the three-goal Adam Zabcik. Not that the other boys didn't get scoring chances, but somehow they didn't manage to get the ball into the opponent's net. But that will come.

Here we have to thank Mrs. Sušňová and Mrs. Uhrínová for the sweet rewards for each team. Thanks to the dedication of Mrs. Žabčíková, Adámková and the whole Hastík family, the buffet worked very well, all the matches were well refereed by Lukáš Fojtík, Dan Černík and Ondra Daňa, and great praise should be given to the timekeepers and recorders Mrs. Hollá and Mrs. Růžičková for their perfect organizational work, thanks to which the tournament ran smoothly.

Overall, the tournament met with a positive response from the participating teams, most of them have already signed up for next year's tournament.

Older preparatory team

The older prep team participated in several tournaments, finishing with mixed success, but as a coach I am pleased with the tournament. The paradox of the winter training is that I have too many boys - 16, and thus inadequate conditions in the local gymnasium. I wish the boys a lot of success in the spring season. Coach Petr Nogol


Puppy playing regional competition is still led by the coaching duo Konvičný Adam and Olšák Stanislav. They have at their disposal a cadre that was left by two guest players from Hošťálková and which was supplemented by players from the Vsetín hockey club. They played for our team in the previous seasons. The first match in the spring part will be played on home field on Saturday 2 April at 12.30 pm with Valašská Polanka.

Team "B"

Players train only very limitedly according to their needs with the "A" team. The team hasn't played any preparatory matches yet, but some of the players have joined the "A" team in preparatory matches in the tournament in Vsetín.

Team "A"

Winter training started in mid-January in local conditions. There were no changes in the squad. The FASTAV CUP tournament was played with the following results: 1 win, 1 draw and 3 losses. The team trains 3 times a week - participation is about 70%. The first championship match will be played on 3 April 2016.

For TJ Sokol Ratiboř
Jaroslav Žabčík and Karel Stančík

Photo gallery 30 fotek


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