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Nordic walking

22. November 2021 | Běžci


Article title

Nordic walking can be a welcome alternative to running.

Nordic walking

I'm sure you'll agree with me that the stereotype gets boring over time. When you put on your running clothes every Tuesday evening, put on your running shoes and start the same circuit, set the same pace and in three quarters of an hour you are back home just as breathless as the last time, the time before that, the time before that... I'm sure you can't get anywhere and after a while it gets old. That's why we like to diversify our running with something else and Nordic walking is definitely a good choice.

Nordic walking might just seem like a walk that doesn't get you anywhere, but I disagree. It also works other muscles that get idle when you run, and it moves parts that are too stiff when you run. For example, after yesterday's walk I have sore muscles in my foot, ankle and butt :-) But I guess I didn't engage my arms and core enough, because I don't feel my stomach, back muscles or triceps much. And I need to move my shoulders and arms like salt :-)

We go to nordic irregularly by appointment like this Sunday morning. We went from Ratibor to Jablonka and went around the circuit in the Jablonec meadows. While walking and in the light we had more opportunities to look around the hills of Ratiboř and Pržensko. The weather was just right - we weren't cold or sweating too much. About 5°C and a slight breeze. In total, about 12,5 km in two and a quarter hours (including photography :-)). It's a bit more time than the run, but not that often.

In conclusion, if anyone would like to join us they can contact us and come with us next time.

For Runners Ratiboř

Photo gallery 2 fotek

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