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Running weekend Halenkov

12. August 2019 | Běžci


Article title

Running with ease - from the basics to natural running.

On the weekend of 10 - 11 August, a running weekend took place in Halenkov, which was attended by 12 runners from Ratibor, Kateřinice, Hošťálková and the surrounding area. The technical part of the weekend was provided by Dan Krejčíř from Kateřinice and Petr Zubíček from Ratibor. The main educational part was provided by physiotherapist Mgr. Veronika Benschová. Saturday was devoted exclusively to running, starting from the very beginning, such as strengthening the middle of the body, proper breathing and overall posture when running and walking. Saturday afternoon was dedicated to the running alphabet and various forms of training. In all, theory was intertwined with practical testing. Sunday started with an interesting warm-up to relax the whole body and we dove into the topic of Nordic walking. After a short theory and introduction to the sport, we headed off for practical demonstrations and actual walking with poles. Lunch was followed by the topic of taping and eating during training or competition. At the end we gave the participants their participation medals and went home to rest.

On behalf of the organizers, I would like to thank Mr. Karl Hlavic from the Vivat sport running specialty, who supported our event with small gifts for the participants and by lending us party tents, and the scout troop Šestka Kateřinice, who lent us 2 kegs to provide drinking regime.

This event was our first attempt to get acquainted with the topic of running in depth and introduced the whole area in a cross-sectional way. I think that each topic separately would have deserved much more time, which was not possible in one weekend.

The idea was, is and will be to show people who enjoy running that it can be done better, easier and without injury.

Petr Zubicek
participant of krzu

Photo gallery 8 fotek


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