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Forgotten Fates

The cruel fate of a hostage

Forgotten Fates

The tragic story of the execution site of the hostages from the Boiling Ponds...

In a remote place on the border of Ratiboř and Hošťálková at the end of the Spíval valley, the inhabitants of Vařák's Pastures were executed and buried by the German occupiers at the very end of World War II. The executed inhabitants were exhumed after the war. The forgotten place has recently been made accessible and, with the placement of a memorial stone and symbolic crosses, has become firmly established in the memory of the region...

The panel was contributed by: Josef Machala (Ratiboř), Mgr. Zdeněk Pomkla (SOkA Vsetín), PhDr. Tomáš Baletka, PhD (director of SOkA Vsetín), VHÚ Praha, Petr Laštovica (mayor of OÚ Hošťálková), Daniel Čablík (Ratiboř), Mgr. Petr Sehnálek (Comenius Museum in Přerov), Pozděchov OÚ, Lačnov OÚ, Prlov OÚ, Bratřejov OÚ, Jiřina Kovářová (parish priest from Pozděchov), Jiří Kučera (parish priest from Valašská Polanka), Pavel Macura (parish priest from Valašské Klobouk), Blanka Andělová (Vsetín), Mgr. Marie Hrošová (author of the book Every Step a Fight, Vsetín), Milan Orálek (ČSOP Valašské Meziříčí), researcher Jakub Koníček (Bystřice pod Hostýnem), Dušan Janiš (Vsetín), Gargulákova family (Prlov), Museum of the Wallachia Region (Vsetín), Danuše Vaňková (Hošťálková)

Thanks also to all the workers who helped with the preparation of the memorial site on 7 September 2019.

The unveiling of the memorial stone and the commemoration of this tragic event on 21 September 2019 was organised in cooperation between the Ratibor and Hošťálková municipalities.

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