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CONSTRUCTION of Multifunctional community centre in Ratiboř

11. October 2022 | Ratiboř

Article title

Since the autumn of last year, the construction of a community centre...

What exactly is a multifunctional community centre?

It is a building designed for social and cultural activities, which must be intertwined with social services. In our case, this means that we have designed a building that will house a community hall with facilities for cultural events such as balls, exhibitions, theatre performances, events for children, weddings, celebrations, etc. At the same time, there will be a second part of the building where Charity Vsetín will have facilities for field workers providing social services in homes - an office, warehouses and a day care centre for the elderly. The two main objectives must be intertwined. In practice, this may mean, for example, that amateur theatre actors will perform for the elderly in the residential centre, or children from school or kindergarten will visit the residential centre and will have, for example, a reading of fairy tales with their grandmother or the elderly will tell them their life stories...

The new building will serve several functions

The first is to replace the absence of a community centre in our village. Since the Sokol Hall was closed and it has been impossible to hold cultural events there, we have no options except the hall of the agricultural cooperative. The construction of a new hall will therefore be a great asset for cultural and social life.

The second, and also very important, function is the expansion of social services in our area.

More and more often we see vehicles of the Charity or Diakonia Vsetín in our village. Their workers help sick and elderly people in their homes. However, these workers commute at least from Vsetín. They do not have the possibility to use the facilities, toilets, warehouses. Thanks to the new premises, the social services will be closer to the people who need them, and at the same time the nurses will have suitable conditions to facilitate their work. The new service will be a day care centre for the elderly, enabling those who need more care and whose household members have to work to spend their days in the centre, where they will receive the care they need.

Our aim in the field of social services is to develop the outreach service and the residential home so that sick people and seniors do not have to go to various hospices and nursing homes, but can live out their lives in their own homes, among their loved ones and neighbours. We want these people to be able to live in their natural environment, to which they are accustomed, for as long as possible. It is often the case that it is difficult for older people in particular to move elsewhere, so-called uprooting. Anchoring social services directly in the village will make life easier for the elderly and the sick. We are also obliged to create a social worker in the community centre who will act as a social counsellor in the village, helping families to secure a suitable service for the person in need and coordinating the running of the entire multifunctional centre.

I firmly believe that the construction of the centre will be of great benefit to our community, both for cultural life and for the social services that need to be developed.

Multifunctional community centre designed by Kamil Mrva Architects.
TM Stav, s.r.o. became the contractor of the building.

Martin Žabčík

Update September 2020

The ministry redistributed funds in the IROP programme and added a subsidy call for community centres and our project succeeded. We were awarded a subsidy of 20 000 000 CZK.

Our current task is to update the timetable, prepare the construction implementation documentation and launch an electronic tender for the contractor. This work is planned for the autumn and winter. If everything goes smoothly, the likely start of construction is scheduled for April 2021. We have processed the final building permit for the construction, so from the point of view of the building authority it is possible to start at any time. I want to stress that the operation of the existing building will not be affected by the construction. The apartment and the hairdresser will remain in place without any interference. There will only be alterations to the ground floor of the building. The entire centre will then be added to the existing building.

Update March 2021

The detailed design documentation has been completed and the budget is being finalised so that the tender for the building contractor will be issued at the end of March. The anticipated start of construction has been pushed back to July 2021.

Update June 2021

Preparatory works at the fire station site will commence in mid-June. Demolition of the stage will begin and the water and sewer relocations necessary to begin construction of the community center will be made. The municipality will carry out the demolition and utility relocations on its own. This is work that we are able to do with municipal staff and save considerable funds. At the same time, an electronic tender for the implementation company has been launched. We should know the result of the tender at the beginning of August. The actual construction of the new centre building will then begin.

Update September 2021

The tender was announced at the end of June and ran for two and a half months. As this is a contract over CZK 6 million, the tender was open for two months. CZK, we are obliged to announce the tender electronically on the profile of the contracting authority and using the electronic tool Tendr arena. In other words, we will publish the invitation on the Internet and we are just waiting to see who will be interested and who will apply. We cannot approach any particular company and virtually anyone across the European Union can apply. At the same time, the transparency of the whole procedure must be ensured. This process is very time-consuming and very administrative, but unfortunately the conditions are fixed and we cannot compete in any other way. Before and during the competition, we were checked by the grant provider. During the tender process, a company always contacted us on the last possible day to submit a query and we were always forced to extend the deadline for submission of tenders. This is how companies buy time. In this way, we got to the end of August, when it was finally possible to close the tender and open the bids received. Four companies expressed an interest in this contract. The tender procedure was completed at the beginning of September and the contractor was TM Stav, s.r.o. Now the inspection by the subsidy provider has been carried out again and the contract with the construction contractor has been signed. Subsequently, the construction site was handed over and the preparatory and excavation works started. The construction company has 12 months from the handover of the site to complete the entire project. The tendering process, as it is currently set by law, is very time-consuming and administratively demanding for a municipality of our size, gives space to companies, allows them to prolong the competition and, above all, does not take into account the quality or reputation of the bidders. We can be really happy that the winning company is a proven company with good references and completed constructions in our municipality as well.

Now comes the more practical side and that is the actual construction, when the results will already be visible.

Update June 2022

The winter was kind this year, so construction has been going on without much restriction practically all the time. By the end of March, all concrete structures will be completed and work will begin on the roof of the main hall. The main supporting truss is 18 m long. These oversized trusses are manufactured in Austria and will be transported to the village as oversized cargo. The installation of the trusses will then be an exciting event. The interior work will also slowly get underway with the various trades already starting. The work is proceeding according to the planned schedule without delay.

Part of the existing firehouse building is also undergoing modifications as the new extension needs to be connected to the current operation. In the garage area, where we used to park municipal equipment and there was storage space, toilets, changing rooms and storage rooms are being rebuilt.

Update June 2022

The electrical, low voltage and cable television wiring is gradually being completed throughout the building. Plumbers have completed the waste and water lines. The roof of the building is almost completely covered with roofing material, which is just being installed with snow plows. Components are being installed on the flat roof of the rear building to provide air conditioning for the main building. All the floors in the building are now being insulated with floor polystyrene, on which the underfloor heating pipes are being laid. Subsequently, the floors will be concreted and polished to final shape.

Once the floors at the rear are finished, it will be the turn of the interior plastering to be completed. The windows and doors will be fitted in late June/early July. The entire building has already been insulated with facade polystyrene, stretched in adhesive and painted with primer. The grid for the final larch facade is being installed on the exterior walls. In the courtyard, the construction of a pergola and a buffet is underway. In the former firemen's garage, plaster and plasterboard ceilings are being finished in the toilets, cloakrooms and storerooms. All work is on schedule.

Update September 2022

Work on the Community Centre is nearing completion and the building is taking its final shape. Special robot glass has been installed in all window portals and doors. The walls and ceilings of the hall are being tiled with Euro board. Larch cladding is being finished on the exterior façade. A pergola has been completed in the courtyard, which is already under roof, and the floors have been poured with polished concrete. Landscaping around the entire building is also underway. The walkways and parking lot are being paved with granite sections. Work is proceeding on schedule so that everything can be completed in time for the grand opening...


Photo gallery 106 fotek


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