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Lighting of the Christmas tree with the municipal slaughter

6. December 2014 | Ratiboř

Article title

There's a first time for everything.

Homemade slaughterhouses were once a regular feature in every home with a small farm, so we thought why not try a village slaughterhouse.

Our young firefighters are very social, as evidenced by their participation and help in organizing this event.

The day before the lighting of the Christmas tree and the sale of the slaughterhouse it all broke out. A group of our municipal employees together
with the firefighters were preparing the cauldrons, cleaning up and waiting for instructions from our vice-mayor, who took on the role of butcher. The meat was brought in and the ovar, jelita, jitrnice and tlačenka were already cooking. The lard was sizzling, the cracklings were delicious and the pâté was not forgotten.

A tent was set up in front of the municipal office, which was used both to sell products and to seat visitors. A programme was provided for the whole day. In the morning, products were sold - there were killing packages on offer, and those who wanted to could have cabbage rolls and draught beer.

The Kordulka dulcimer band played throughout the afternoon. After the killing, it was dusty, so we had only "tea" left. The children could make a Christmas tree ornament together with the scouts, which they decorated at the same time. The event also included an exhibition of the works of our school children in the lobby of the municipal office.

At 4 p.m. the boys and girls from the elementary school performed and sang carols for us, followed by a performance by the CCE choir from Ratibor. After the program, our Christmas tree was lit, which is getting bigger every year. And the children finally got to see St. Nicholas with the devil and the angel. Our little ones were given a gift of sweets and the adults were given mulled wine to warm them up.

The whole day was challenging for the organizers, but there was a good mood and "fun", and that's how it should be.

So when the New Year knocks on our door, let each of us open it with gusto.

Michaela Jakubíková

Photo gallery 140 fotek


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