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Information on the operation of the school from 12 April 2021

8. April 2021 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

Phase 1 in the week of 12 April 2021 (full-time teaching for grades 3, 4 and 5, distance learning for grades 1 and 2), Phase 2 from 19 April 2021 (full-time teaching for Years 1 and 2, distance learning for Years 3, 4 and 5). Students will participate in whole class rotations (whole class week at home, week at school).

The school will be open for full-time pupils from 7.40 a.m.
  • Pupils will disinfect their hands when entering the school.
  • Nose and mouth protection is compulsory at all times while at school - medical face mask (drape) meeting MoH standards. It is necessary to have a spare one.
  • On arrival at school, the pupil moves as quickly as possible from the cloakroom to the classroom, takes his/her seat and does not move around the classroom unnecessarily. Waits for the teacher's instructions.
  • Classes at school follow the traditional timetable, distance learning (at home) follows the current online timetable (minor changes may occur).
Student self-testing with non-invasive Covid-19 antigen tests
  • Twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays in the core classroom together before the start of class,
  • In the case of testing of 1st and 2nd graders or in individual cases where the test taker is unable to perform the test himself/herself, assistance in performing the test by a third party (a legal guardian or other person who must have consent or be authorized by the legal guardian and also agree to such assistance) is allowed,
  • for more information see the link

If a pupil does not participate in full-time education due to non-attendance at testing, the school will record the absence as excused. In the case of such an excused absence, the school is not obliged to provide the pupil with distance learning. However, the school will provide reasonable learning support - e.g. sending weekly plans.

If a pupil shows any of these signs of illness, they will not be allowed to attend full-time education:
  • Elevated body temperature,
  • dry cough,
  • shortness of breath,
  • digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea),
  • loss of taste and smell,
  • sore throat,
  • muscle and joint pain,
  • runny/ stuffy nose,
  • headache.
  • School canteen meals will be provided for full-time students. Students on distance learning will automatically be denied lunch.
  • From the following day onwards, it is the responsibility of parents to check out lunches themselves or contact the school canteen manager if a pupil is absent, always by 10.00 a.m. on the previous day.
  • During the distance learning period, pupils can collect their subsidised lunches at the school canteen window between 11.00 and 11.30.
  • Contact for the canteen: 571 116 503.

The after-school club and the school club operate on a regular basis.

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