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Basic organization of the gardeners' association

30. March 2020 | Zahrádkáři


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Last year, in cooperation with the municipality, we organized a well-attended flower exhibition, which was positively evaluated by the general public, in the local sokolovna.

Our floral decoration was part of the successful presentation of the village in the village of the year competition and other events. A flower exhibition with a lecture was also organized in the Diakonie day care centre in Vsetín, which we want to repeat this year. We passed on our growing experience to each other during the members' meetings at the old rectory. This year, as soon as the weather permits, we will continue this activity. We will be tending the beds of dahlias and the herb garden at the old rectory, and gladioli will be planted again in part of the adjacent area. These will also be planted in members' gardens. We hope to be able to grow exhibits again that meet the demanding judging criteria for flower shows, if such shows are held at all. We anticipate holding an exhibition in the municipal office building as well as a floral decoration of the church.

We have also been actively involved in the search for old apple varieties, especially nucleus. The mapping of formerly cultivated regional varieties is still ongoing. In order to record the presence of the apple trees in question in the municipality, it is necessary to provide the number of the plot or house where the apple tree is located, as well as the estimated age of the tree. If anyone is interested in taking part in this event, please contact Mrs. A. Gerlíková, tel. 739 082 916, or Mrs. E. Miniariková, who will provide details on how to record the presence of these trees. An important event in our municipality will be the planned international meeting of fruit growers on 5 December 2020 with apple tasting. For apples of old regional apple varieties, it will be possible to arrange expert appraisals for interested parties during the summer and autumn.

In addition to gardening, we have other activities planned, such as a trip to the Floria Kroměříž gardening exhibition and others, according to the current disease situation in the Czech Republic.

Anna Gerlíková

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