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Flower Days 2015

24. August 2015 | Zahrádkáři


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This year we again organized a flower show. It was held in the Sokol Hall from Friday afternoon 21 August to Sunday 23 August.

We placed bulletin boards in the lobby with photos from past exhibitions. Other parts were decorated with 230 vases with swords. There were exhibitions by members of the Gladiol Club Ratiboř and guests, such as Mr. Jaroslav Kovařík from Jasenna (he grows swords in Bratislava), Petr Mimránek from Mysločovice, Stanislav Novotný from Křtomil and Lubomír Rýpar from Loučka u Jakubčovic. The swords of Mr. Jan Machala had a separate table and there were also swords named in 2013 - Ratiboř and Jan Machala. Swords bred by Mr. Josef Nosálek were also on display. These are now grown by his daughter Tamara Juchelková. Klára Zbranková (10 years old), who also grows them herself, exhibited a bouquet of fragrant swordflowers. In the back of the Falcon Hall there was a pond, a corner with a bench and other beautiful and imaginative decorations, which, like the others, were created by Michaela Jakubíková. This part was complemented by models of wooden churches, chapels and bell towers from the Beskydy Mountains, exhibited by Mr. Jan Blizňák.

The exhibition was seen by 815 visitors from the surrounding area, but also from Slovakia, Hradec Králové, Přerov and many other gardeners and sword makers. Members of a group of bell ringers from America also came to have a look. Visitors received a ballot on which they had to write the type of swordflower (or more) they liked best. There were 551 ballots cast, mostly people voted for more than one swordfish, it was really hard to identify just one swordfish.

Ranking of the swordfish by visitor ratings:

1. CINNAMON CANDY (see Club)
3. KING OF THE MARKET (see Club)
4. HELL (L. Rýpar)
5. WARIS (see Club)
6. SONG OF THE NORTH (see Club)
7. CHOCOLATE (see Club), PINK LADY (see Club)
8. NOSTALGIE (J. Kovařík), JIŘÍ VÁCLAVÍK (see Club)
9. NŠ 18-92-3/1 (see Club, breeder Jan Machala)
10. SIRAEL (see Club), BLUE PROGRAM (Josef Nosálek), AMIS (see Club)

Throughout the exhibition there was a good mood and a good atmosphere. The atmosphere of the exhibition was captured by Marie Šedá in her poem "Flower Exhibition".

For the Union of Gardeners Jaroslava Zbranková

Photo gallery 55 fotek


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