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500 years of the European Reformation

11. September 2017 | Sbor ČCE

Choir of CCE

Article title

Sunday, September 10, 2017 was a very special day for the Evangelical congregation in Ratiboř and for the village of Ratiboř.

A national celebration was held here to mark the 500th anniversary of the European Reformation, which was kicked off by the German reformer Martin Luther posting 95 protest theses on the gates of the Wittenberg Castle Church.

Even before the service began, a brass ensemble from Oldřichovice invited the congregation to the Ratiboř church with music. The service was led by the parish priest Jarmila Wiera Jelinek and preached by the synod senior of the CCE Daniel Ženatý. The Lord's Supper was served during the service. The organ was played by Professor Ester Moravetzová and the singing was complemented by the ECHO choir from Zlín under the direction of the church cantor Ladislav Moravetz. The powerful singing of more than six hundred participants in the celebration testified to the importance of the event. The service was broadcast live by Czech Radio on the Vltava station.

Fortified by Wallachian kyslic, goulash and frgals, the participants could participate in the planting of an apple tree in the parish garden or go for a guided walk to the Ratiboř "Slavín", where parish priests and teachers who did much for the village are buried.

The afternoon program began with a concert by the Bells of Good News and greetings from local and international guests. This was followed by a theatrical performance of "Xantipa of the Reformation" about Luther's wife Catherine of Bora. The conversion play, rehearsed by the youth group, depicted several episodes in the life of this wise woman who was a support to her husband.

The programme continued with a lecture by Ondřej Macek, a parish priest from Nosislav, who has long been interested in the life and work of Martin Luther. The celebration was concluded with a performance by the local choir and a word of remembrance by Miroslav Frydrych, a native of Ratiboř and a parish priest.

Throughout the afternoon it was possible to visit another part of the programme - an exhibition of paintings by Lydia Férová, who illustrated a children's book about Martin Luther, or an interactive workshop for children of all ages. Publications published on the anniversary of the Reformation as well as other literature, T-shirts and souvenirs were available for purchase at the stands. Local women gave demonstrations of their interesting handicrafts, and in the garden, dulcimer music was played and the Kosaks sang.

The festival was organized by the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren and the local Ratiboř congregation in cooperation with the Ratiboř Municipality. More than 50 volunteers, led by the vice-mayor and vice-curator, Mr. Martin Žabčík and Mrs. Marie Sušňová, participated in the preparations and successful course of the festival. A huge thank you to all of them, because without their dedication and efforts, this festival could hardly have taken place. Thanks also go to the people from the surrounding congregations who contributed baked goodies
and other gifts. In spite of the unfavorable forecasts of the meteorologists, the weather was also in our favor. The whole celebration was a wonderful experience not only for us Ratibores, but also for the other guests who came to us from all over the country and abroad. We believe that they took away the best impressions from Ratibor.

Růžena Hříbková

Photo gallery 51 fotek


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