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Only take your waste card to the collection yard

31. May 2021 | Odpadový systém

Article title

From 1 June 2021, don't forget to take your waste card with you every time you visit the collection yard!

Why waste cards?

The introduction of the waste card is one of the steps the municipality wants to take to modernise and streamline its waste management. We want to make the records clearer and meet the legislative conditions imposed by the new Waste Act, while gradually making the whole waste collection system more efficient.

How will waste disposal at the collection yard work?

The waste card is used to identify the household at the collection yard (hereafter referred to as "SD") when any waste is deposited. When you arrive at the SD, you will present this card (not your ID card, as was previously the case) to the SD staff. The SD employee will read it into the record system using a special reader, thereby automatically linking the resident to the amount and type of waste handed in. This system saves the municipality in many ways in administration and speeds up the operation of SD. Please note that as of 1 June 2021, waste can only be deposited in the SD with a waste card that is only transferable within the same household.

What should I do if I lose my waste card?

Report the loss immediately to the Ratiboř Municipality in person or by phone 571 442 090. The card will be blocked and a new one can be issued for a fee of CZK 100.

What can I take to the collection yard?
  • Paper, cardboard
  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Small and large electrical items
  • Fluorescent lamps and bulbs
  • Textiles
  • Bulky waste
  • Tyres
  • Used oil
  • Used cooking oils and fats
  • Paints, adhesives and their packaging
  • Materials containing asbestos
  • Construction and demolition waste
  • Bio-waste and wood

Larger quantities of hazardous (asbestos, eternite, etc.) and construction waste should be consulted on 603 505 096.

All waste brought to the collection yard must be sorted!
We ask everyone to follow the instructions of the attendant upon arrival at the site.

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