Bench gerilla
date 19.12.2024
Report on the Ratiboř benches on Czech Television
On December 18, 2024, a short report about our benches was broadcasted on the program ČT 1 JM at 18:00 in the program Události v regionech...
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date 09.03.2022
Czech trail in Kolochava
Remembrance of travelling in Transcarpathian Ukraine (autumn 2019)
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date 31.08.2021
Benches and fireplace Na Kosiskách
The system of benches around Ratiboř has become a welcome activity not only for Ratiboř residents. One of the most visited and used places is the fireplace with benches at Kosiska.
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date 22.11.2020
Bench marathon
18 benches / 20 kilometres / 5 hours
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