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Control shooting

29. June 2020 | Myslivci


Article title

Put the gun on your shoulder and head for the woods to hunt something? No, it's not that simple...

In the Ratiboř Hunting Association, every hunter must undergo a firearms inspection once a year, always before the start of the main hunting season. And this is no formality. The gamekeeper uncompromisingly evaluates each of us. Only then, when we have demonstrated our shooting skills and the good technical condition of our weapon, do we receive a hunting licence valid for one year.

We rent an approved shooting range in Jablonec for the organisation of shooting. Here it is possible to shoot with hunting weapons at targets up to 100 m away. Experienced experts from our ranks help with sight setting if necessary, including test and correction using a sighting stand.

Also this year, at the end of May, our members have responsibly attended the control shooting sessions as it gives them the opportunity to practice and improve their skills in a relaxed environment. Anyone who has ever shot knows that thorough practice is the foundation for successful accurate shooting.

We regret that the ongoing renovations of the premises in Červeny make it impossible to prepare this year the traditional joint gathering of the members of the Hunting Association and the Hunting Association. It's a pity, it's usually a nice meeting. We are looking forward to the next one in 2021.

Jiří Halmazňa
member of the association

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