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Kosaci sang for the "region"

17. February 2020 | Valašský soubor KOSISKA

Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

The travelling exhibition presenting all 25 winners of the Village of the Year competition was officially opened on Wednesday 12 February at the headquarters of the Zlín Region, the Bata skyscraper.

This exhibition will be presented in the individual regions until the end of September 2020 and is held on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of this competition, in which over 200 municipalities from all over the country participate each year.

"Many people think that the Village of the Year competition is a showcase of the best of what we have here. This is not entirely true. There are many other places, equally beautiful or perhaps even more beautiful, which lack only the courage to enter this competition. I would therefore like to appeal to mayors to find that courage. Because just by entering and starting to prepare a presentation of their village, they and their citizens often realise how beautiful the village is, how nice it is to live there, which they may not even notice in the everyday hustle and bustle."

Among the overall winners in the history of the competition - Liptál, Lideček, Komňa, Kateřinice, Kašava and Dolní Němčí, our Ratiboř singers were not lost and thus perfectly represented the village of Ratiboř as the winner of the Village of the Year of the Zlín Region 2019.

Photo gallery 14 fotek


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