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Performance of the Kosiska ensemble at the Goulash King

10. September 2018 | Valašský soubor KOSISKA

Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

The Kosiska ensemble and its children's component Kosáčci, which has almost 40 small members, traditionally presented itself at the biggest spring event of the village Ratiboř "Gulášový króál a spring hike 2018".

This gave the children the opportunity to show their parents, grandparents, other relatives and friends what they had learned during the whole year of rehearsals.

This year's performance called "Na lúce" was full of rhymes, songs, games and songs. At the end, the boys and girls wanted to dance to the song "Black Wave". With this performance, our Kosacs reminded how children used to play in the village, which entertained, fulfilled and educated them at the same time.

An integral part of this year's program was the beautiful dresses for the smaller girls called "kandush" or "šlépek" that the girls wore before they went to school. This is the first part of the costumes that the Kosács will have available to lend for the performance, and we owe it mostly to Markéta Kretová, who not only breathed the spirit of the turn of the 19th and 20th century into these dresses, but also put a piece of herself into them! Thank you! The next part of the costumes for the larger tzérkas and ogres will be gradually sewn.

Many thanks to Barča and Radka for preparing the program, to Martin for his accompaniment and to the Kosaks for their help in playing "Na slaniny".

We look forward to seeing you again at the dance, music and singing!

For the Kosiska ensemble
Lucie Žabčíková

Photo gallery 5 fotek

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