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Holiday time of Kosiska ensemble

9. September 2019 | Valašský soubor KOSISKA

Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

How were the holidays this year?

This year's holidays, the Kosiska ensemble, as well as many citizens and members of associations, were "marked" by the victory of our village in the regional round of the competition Village of the Year. On the last Sunday of July the whole village, neighbours, friends and families celebrated. Our whole ensemble was able to contribute its bit and show its full beauty at the awards ceremony of the individual villages. The Kosács performed the successful band "We Build Maya" in the cramped spaces of the stage in their new costumes, the Kosács boys sang the best of their repertoire. Then we all rejoiced and celebrated together.

In August, we all took a rest to come together again at the beginning of September to present ourselves at the national round of the Village of the Year. The Kosacs and Kosacs gave one "piece" in the beautiful surroundings of Borčí in the meadows near Vacků and with the Wallachian anthem we finished the four-hour presentation of the whole village in the garden of the kindergarten.

This school year we will change the premises for the regular Wednesday rehearsals. We will move to the Svazarm building (Firehouse), No. 435, Ratiboř.

The rehearsals take place every Wednesday

  • preschool children 16.00-16.45
  • school-age children 17.00-18.00

We also welcome new children who like to sing and dance.

Photo gallery 9 fotek


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