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Easter adventures around Ratiboř

Datum: 14. April 2021


Article title

We welcomed spring and experienced a journey with a chick and a carder...

Update 4/16/2021

The Easter adventure trips have been completed. Thank you all for your participation. Three runners up from each category will be rewarded! We will post the drawings for the valuable prizes in the next VideoNewsletter.

The Ratiboř Library in cooperation with the Ratiboř Municipal Office prepared an Easter Adventure around Ratiboř for everyone.

Adventures with the chick

With the chick, you will walk along the paved paths in the village for about 3.5 km. You can also take your brother or sister in the pram, grandma and grandpa or auntie. And where to look for the first clue? That's what this cryptic clue, which our mother hen has just tapped out, will tell you...


Adventures with the carder

The carder will guide you along the way, so wear good shoes, bring something to eat and expect a route of about 5km, which will be guided by the Actionbound app.

Download the app on your mobile phone, search for "Adventures with the Chicken Little" and follow the instructions!

You'll encounter ciphers, quizzes, riddles and puzzles on both routes

You will also learn interesting facts about the Passion Week and Easter customs in Wallachia. You can go through the adventure from 1-14 April 2021, and we will publish the draw for valuable prizes in the next VideoNews.

This adventure is at your own risk and we also ask that you observe government regulations. Bring a pen and paper to take notes on your chicken journey and you're good to go.

Three lucky winners from each category will be rewarded with nice prizes!

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