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New library

11. October 2019 | Knihovna


Article title

Reconstruction of the local library.

Summer in the library started like the previous ones - with a holiday in the library. This year the plan was to revise, purchase new books and paint the library. However, winning the title of Village of the Year 2019 in the Zlín Region and advancing to the national round of the competition changed the small plans into somewhat bigger ones, because the library needed renovations like salt and "when, if not now". And under this motto things started to happen. The library got a new facade, it was painted, the carpets were cleaned, new furniture and shelving were purchased for the library, new blinds were installed, the exterior metal panels got a new coat of paint, new seating was added to the pergola, a new canopy was installed over the entrance, the wooden addition got a new coat of paint, and the windows and doors were repainted.

When the committee judging the national competition arrived at the library, I don't think those members who saw the library in the regional round could believe their eyes. The library was as good as new, in fact it wasn't - it is!

Everyone who had hands and feet helped and I thank everyone who contributed to its beautification. And I hereby invite all readers and non-readers to visit the library.

Library opening hours - Mondays and Wednesdays from 4.00pm to 6.30pm.

Your librarian
Ester Miniariková

Photo gallery 14 fotek


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