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From the activities of the seniors' club

16. September 2019 | Klub seniorů

Senior Citizens Club

Article title

Looking back at the summer

Summer is over, it was very sunny and we all enjoyed it enough. The third group of BB seniors met as always every 14 days, in smaller numbers, in the restaurant "U Ogarů". Like the other associations, we prepared a presentation of the Senior Citizens Club for this year's Village of the Year of the Zlín Region in June. It was successful and we advanced to the national round. We also
also participated in September in the presentation for the evaluation committee of the national round. In October we are preparing to start yoga classes for the elderly and other activities again.

Eight seniors from the Club participated in the II. Regional sports games of seniors ZK. A total of 10 teams participated. Although we did not get the first place and did not qualify for the National Games, we still enjoyed the sports day with smiles and ease.

The fourth group of senior women meets every Thursday and takes hiking trips to the near and farther surroundings of Ratibor. They walk in almost any weather. Along the way there is always something to talk about, e.g. what good things to cook or bake, what books are good to read, which movie to like or dislike, how fast the grandchildren and children are growing, etc., so the trip goes by quickly. The greatest reward for the effort is the beautiful views of not only the hills and valleys of Ratiboř but also the distant peaks of the surrounding area. In the summer months, there were several bike trips towards Valašské Meziříčí, Vsetín and Velké Karlovice.

We wish you all good health and good autumn days.

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