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Easter decoration

29. March 2021 | Klub rodičů

Parents Club

Article title

Let's decorate our gardens, windows, tables and enjoy the beautiful coming spring...

Dear Ratiborians,

it's been a year since we've been able to organize an event for our children. Last year's Easter was sad, the ogres couldn't walk on the shmigrust, the tzerechs painted eggs only for the closest family. We never dreamed that this would not be the first and last such spring holiday.

When we saw that all the cultural life in Ratibor was impossible for a long time, we decided to at least somehow involve parents and children in the life of the village. We managed to have a beautiful autumn decoration, an even more beautiful Christmas decoration and now we are continuing with the spring decoration. We thank all parents and children very much for all the works that make everyone in Ratiboř and the surrounding area happy.

It might seem that the little children, preschoolers, are bored at home. This is not the case at all. Thanks to the great staff of the kindergarten, children can make a kindergarten at home. Teachers send in assignments, pictures, ideas and most importantly, make videos that all the children always look forward to. For this we would like to say a big thank you on behalf of all the parents.

So what about this year's Easter? We will decorate our gardens, windows, tables, bake, cook and enjoy the beautiful coming spring. And next year we'll make up for it, and I'm sure I'm not just speaking for myself when I say that all the little girls will be really looking forward to waking up with juniper and tartar.

Kindergarten Parents Club

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