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Children's Carnival 2018

Datum: 3. March 2018

Parents Club

Article title

On Saturday, March 3, 2018, a children's carnival was traditionally held in the hall of ZD Ratiboř, which was in the spirit of the forest, forest animals and everything associated with the forest.

In the hall, where we really felt like we were in the forest, the children were welcomed by Ferda the ant together with his friends the doe and the toadstool, who were the main guides of the forest carnival. Songs and various competitions (collecting pine cones in the forest, running among the trees or getting to know the animals) were prepared for the children and their parents. As a diversification of the programme, girls from the ELES dance group from Valašské Klobouk came to show us their art.

There was also the traditional mask promenade - where each mask was presented and shown in all its beauty. The carnival included a rich raffle, so no one left empty-handed. We would like to thank the parents and sponsors for their material and financial donations, the Ratiboř Kindergarten, Ratiboř Primary School and Ratiboř Municipality for their help and patronage, ZD Ratiboř for renting the premises and the mothers from MC Budníček for the beautiful decoration. Thanks also to Honza Rohlík and his assistants for the great moderation. The biggest thanks go to those parents who devoted their free time to the preparation and organization of the carnival.

We believe that not only children but also parents enjoyed this year's carnival.

On behalf of the Parents' Club of the Kindergarten and Primary School
Iva Švédová Janíčková, Eva Buriánková and Lucka Žabčíková

Plakát Children's Carnival 2018

Photo gallery 44 fotek


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