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From the activities of firefighters in the village

31. August 2020 | Hasiči


Article title

Looking back on a successful quarter

Where else to start but with praise for our competition teams. The shelves are filled with gold, silver or even wooden or glass giant cups. There hasn't been a weekend where teams didn't go to a competition and bring home some awards.

To sum it up, the first weekend of August was the 4th round of the EMAS Extraliga HVP Czech Republic. This is the most prestigious league in fire attack where the women's team took an amazing 2nd place!

The second weekend, starting on Friday 7/8, the team went to the night competition at Bystřička, where they placed 3rd. On Saturday they also took 3rd place in Kostelany. Even though it was the third day of the competition, Sunday, they did not spare themselves and took part in three competitions. In Dolní Bečva and in Valašská Polanka their sporting skills were on full display and they took 1st place twice.

Incidentally, the men's and women's teams can compete to see who will bring home better results, as they went on to win:


2nd place - Odra Night Competition
2nd place - Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
2nd place - Night competition Měrotín
2nd place - Petřvald
2nd place - Závišice
2nd place - Night competition Litenčice
2nd place - Nedašov
3rd place - ZLPS Louky
3x award for the fastest streamer


1st place - Odra Night Competition
1st place - Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
1st place - Podhradní Lhota
1x award for the fastest female dog

You can see how the competing teams fared on Facebook or Instagram, where they post videos of the competitions.

We have to thank Mr. Válek and his company Válek autosport, who willingly put the sports machine in order before the weekend. However, it is also related to the fact that the machine is no longer keeping up with the pace of our guys. For this reason, we have to buy a new competition fire sprinkler, the price of which is around 200,000 crowns. If you are no stranger to firefighting or our competition teams and would like to see, like us, better and better results, we would be happy for any support.

Expedition unit
  • 8/8/2020 - disposal of troublesome insects - 3 wasp nests (allergic person in the house)
  • 14 Aug 2020 - technical assistance (cleaning of drains in a house where the garage was threatened with flooding)
  • 20 Aug 2020 - removal of nuisance insects - 2 wasp nests, 1 hornet nest (immobile person in the house)
  • 26 Aug 2020 - destruction of nuisance insects - 2 wasp nests

Bc. Tereza Staňková
Executive Director of the SDH

Photo gallery 4 fotek

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