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From the activities of firefighters in the village

30. June 2017 | Hasiči


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In the second quarter of this year we had a lot of events.

It started on 29 April at St. Hostyn, where a firefighters' pilgrimage was held. Several of our members attended with their banners.

At the beginning of May we had the traditional Candlemas. The next day in the afternoon we helped at the opening of the cycle path.

We had a busy schedule on May 27, when we had a beer sale at the Goulash King contest. On this occasion we christened our new emergency vehicle, which arrived on 19 May from THT Polička.

At the same time, a theme exercise took place in Jablunka. The theme of the exercise was a fire in the ceremonial hall, when the ability of the units to create a remote transport of water using portable motorized sprinklers from the stream to the ceremonial hall itself was tested. The fire line was about 1 kilometre long at an elevation of about 30 metres. There were injured people in the smoky room who had to be pulled out by firefighters in breathing gear.

A few days later, on 31 May, we took part in the competition for the Village of the Year. Young and older members of the fire brigade showed their skills at the fire station. The boys gave a demonstration firefighting attack and the old horse-drawn fire engine proved its full functionality to the judges. The tour of the firehouse was followed by a presentation of the volunteer fire brigade by the mayor of the brigade Miroslava Slováčková and the fire brigade Rostislav Javořík. Our presentation continued behind the fire house.

But our activities do not end there - our men take part in firefighting competitions, they manage to go around six of them in a weekend. They start on Friday evening when they go to the night competition(s), return in the early morning, sleep for a while and leave for the next one in the morning and continue until Sunday. The biggest joy is of course when they manage to fight for the first positions. We have added to our collection a traveling and golden cup for the 1st place from the competition in Hovězí, and twice 3rd place from competitions in Vsetín and Martinice. Seven times we took 4th place.


In the exit unit we have experienced both pleasant and unpleasant moments during this quarter. Among the pleasant ones is certainly the news of new equipment and technology, for which we managed to obtain subsidies - breathing apparatus, insect vacuum cleaner, emergency helmets and a transport car.

Calls to events are already among the worse news.

  • 16 March 2017 at 10.30 a.m. - meadow fire in Holoshin.
  • 28 Apr 2017 at 6.41am - pumping water during flooding.
  • 15 May 2017 at 11.05 hrs - house fire, then on 20 May 2017 approximately 15 firefighters volunteered to help with clearing up around the house and loft areas, dismantling the roof and securing against adverse weather conditions.
  • 20/05/2017 at 18.42 h - electrical box in the house caught fire.
  • 6 June 2017 at 14.43 h - car fire.

Tereza Staňková
Managing Director

Photo gallery 6 fotek


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