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Ratiboř amateur theatre currently

7. September 2020 | Ochotnické divadlo

Amateur theatre

Article title

What's been happening and what's about to happen...

We started last year's season in September at Santa's, where we were invited to a sheepdog festival. So we had to come up with a game that would fit the social event. A very good idea for the script was provided by our teacher Emilie Galetkova from Hošťálková. I worked out this idea and we called the play "Dožatá z Ratibořa". We also performed the same play in November at a meeting of seniors in the local kindergarten.

In October we started to rehearse our own play based on the themes of our teacher Pavlová Ferdicsová - Village of the Year. After Ratiboř won the 2nd place in the competition Village of the Year, the author of the play "caught on" and wrote the theatre theme in one weekend. We developed the script in such a way that most of us actors added something to it. For example, the character of Aunt Srncova was invented by the actress Milena Vacková all by herself. Every rehearsal we added something new, so the final script was not ready until about 14 days before the premiere, which we had before Christmas at the local cinema. The audience turnout was great, the cinema was literally bursting at the seams and the performance was a success. The first reprise of the play was in January this year, again at the cinema. The second reprise took place in February in Bystřička in the pub U Lukášů.

We had to cancel the next performance of this play because of the pandemic. But we did not slack off even in this difficult period and as the anti-epidemiological measures were relaxed a bit, five of our actors rehearsed the skit, again based on Pavlina Ferdicsová's themes.

Pandemic in the countryside, which we broadcasted online on social media, on the website and on the infochannel.

In the summer, when it was already possible to perform, we performed only once in the castle grounds in Hošťálková, the third reprise of the play Vesnica roka.

In the future we are planning our next original play. Something is already taking shape, but I can't say yet when the premiere will be, because everything has been postponed due to the pandemic. If the situation permits, we plan to perform more performances of Vesnica roka in the surrounding villages, and in Ratiboř we will again perform a benefit performance for the Vsetín charity.

You can also look forward to the amateur ensemble KOS from Velké Karlovice. They should come to our local cinema at the beginning of November. They will present the comedy Eleventh Commandment by František Ferdinand Šamberk.

But as I say... who knows what today's coronary times will bring us, but hopefully our plans will work out. And I wish you all the best of health and strength.

On behalf of the Ratiboro Amateurs
Andrea Žambochová

Photo gallery 4 fotek

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