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Rabbit Show 2020

Datum: 5. September 2020


Article title

Dear fellow citizens, we would like to briefly inform you about our rabbit show, which took place on 5 and 6 September 2020.

145 rabbits were entered for the show and two more rabbits were added. 29 breeders from eight basic organizations (ZO) of Vsetín district delivered rabbits to the show. The actual number of rabbits delivered was 136.

As in the past, the judging was carried out by the judges Ing. Jurečka, Koláček and Stolařík. Five trophies and twenty honorary prizes were prepared as awards. All breeders of our ZO who exhibited won some awards, as follows. V. Zbranek won the Champion 0,1 - female for his rabbit Chinchilla Large with 96 points. The cup for the best young breeder was awarded to the young breeder M. Vitek for the rabbit Tříslový černý with 95,5 points. The honorary prize was also awarded to breeder M. Zgabajová for her collection of rabbits Alaska with 377 points. My friend L. Vitek received an honorary prize for his rabbit Maklenburský Blue with 96 points and breeder Z. Vítková won an honorary award for her collection of Kuní velký modrý rabbits with 378 points. Just to explain. The maximum score is 100 points, but this is practically not awarded, so rabbits awarded 95 points or more are top animals. Most of the animals were scored highly, although there were rabbits with a lockout or unclassified rating. The distribution of trophies and honorable mentions was done by the judges in the corps according to the judging guidelines.

The show was visited by about 200 people interested in breeding. The little ones received a small treat in the form of a lollipop, duck or ruler.

An interesting addition to the programme was a raffle, which contained about 250 prizes and was completely redeemed. Thanks to all who contributed to the raffle and to all others who contributed in other ways. Many were listed in the catalogue as co-organisers. The weather was particularly good on Saturday, but then it was worse on Sunday morning. It can be said that the exhibition was a success, especially thanks to the good attendance. Finally, we must thank all those who participated in the realization of the show - especially the municipal office and the breeders from Hoštálková, who helped in the construction and disposal of the show. We also thank the family members and other citizens.

Breeders of ZO Ratiboř

Plakát Rabbit Show 2020

Photo gallery 22 fotek

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