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Running weekend Ratiboř

17. August 2020 | Běžci


Article title

After last year's successful running weekend we decided to make this year's event longer, bigger and better...

...and I think we've done our best to do that. For a while everything looked "rosy", but unfortunately circumstances forced us to make an "emergency" shortened version 14 days before the event. And due to the lack of participants it was left to that.

On Friday, August 14th, only a minimum of us gathered in the gym. It was basically a very individual training session. Around noon, Mr. Mgr. Tomáš Hlinský and after a common lunch the lecture "Basics of sports nutrition" started. The talk was full of new information, which was presented in an understandable way, but two hours on such a comprehensive topic was not even enough. It was a nice change that other listeners came to this talk. After that, we were just waiting for the topic of sports injuries and injuries. We arranged for a Saturday run, cleaned up and went home. Friday's lecture day didn't end badly, although it was brought to an unpleasant end by an impatient fellow citizen who, despite being warned that we had a lecture, had to go to the large gymnasium and play football with his grandchildren. Unfortunately, there are some like that among us.

Saturday's run from Kohútka to Stratenec and back was a very pleasant 16 km, which almost ran itself while talking. On the way back we were joined by skyrunner Milan Wurst and listening to his experiences from training and participation in the challenging Dolomitenmam race, the rest of the trip went by like nothing. We finished the whole run with a delicious meal at Kohútka and a swim in the Balaton.

Even though the event did not turn out as we had imagined, I would like to thank the municipal authorities for their very helpful approach and all those we approached as sponsors or speakers for their willingness to support us. Thank you!

Petr Zubicek

Photo gallery 5 fotek

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