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Miniduathlon Kunovice

30. July 2020 | Běžci


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On the morning of Saturday 18th July, in beautiful rainy weather, the Zubíček, Regmund and Krejčíř clan set off through Lázně to Kunovice.

After picking up the numbers and some light training we started racing. First went the bicycles, then the little racers, the cérkés, the ogres... all the way up to the teenagers. No one minded the rain or the mud. As always, the facilities were well covered so parents, grandmas, grandpas and friends could sit in the dry.

At noon the main race started and everyone was looking forward to it. It rained alternately less and more, but this could not discourage the competitors. It was good to run in the rain, but the cycling part was worse. On some sections it was impossible to even walk, let alone ride a bike. I don't think there was anyone who didn't fall down on the route or at least had a hard time. I believe that all the competitors who rode the race enjoyed it and will definitely not forget this year's event.

In spite of the large team, only Rozarka on her bike took the medal. A beautiful and well-deserved silver medal. But the rest of us were left with a great feeling that we gave it, because that's why we do it. The next race in the series is the Polička circuit, so let's get on the bike and work hard.

Photo gallery 5 fotek

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