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Official board

Announcement of the commencement of the procedure for the extension of the validity of the zoning decision - Public notice

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Article title

NOTICE OF THE INITIATION OF THE PROCEDURE FOR EXTENSION OF THE ZONING DECISION The Vsetín Municipal Office, Department of Planning, Building Regulations and Transport, as the building authority competent under Section 13 (1) (c) of Act No. 183/2006 Coll, MUVS-S 8523/2020/OÚPSŘD-330/Ev for the location of the construction "Object 701 Fencing km 120,803 - 122,514" within the construction I/57 Semetín - Bystřička on the land parc. No. 1380/24, 1380/29 in the cadastral territory of Jablůnka, parc. no. 3585/1, 3586/22 in the cadastral territory of Ratiboř u Vsetín, parc. no. 12571/3, 12581/4 in the cadastral territory of Vsetín, submitted by the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic, ID No. 65993390, Na Pankráci 546/56, 140 00 Praha.

The authorities concerned may submit binding opinions and the parties to the proceedings may submit objections and comments within 15 days of the date of delivery of this notice.

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