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Ratiboř benches

At the Mowing Grounds

Ratiboř benches

The trail leads to Končiny crossroads (possibility to go down to Hošťálková by Hajnušov) and further to Končiny, where one of the options is to wander to Bludný, Maruška lookout tower, Troják and in the opposite direction to Lázy, Kateřinice, Prženské paseky.

The legend about the origin of the name Kosiska says that it was created in times when there was no clock and the time of night was determined by the position of certain constellations. In those times, citizens were rewarded by the manor for their help on the manor hunts by taking fuel from the manor to return twice a day, it was necessary to leave early. A certain farmer found that as soon as a group of stars in the shape of a scythe appeared in the west-facing window, it was time to get up. He therefore woke the others, and used the words "the scythe is already shining" to encourage them. The name was transferred to the track to the west of the village and came into general use. The constellation is Orion.

(From the book. Ratiboř - Wallachian village. Ratiboř: Municipality of Ratiboř, 2006.)

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