Multifunctional community centre in Ratiboř
The project POLYFUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY CENTRE IN RATIBOR is co-financed by the European Union. The aim of the project is to increase the quality and accessibility of services in the village of Ratiboř and its surroundings leading to social inclusion of targeted persons into society through the extension of a new multifunctional community centre.
Collection yard in the village of Ratiboř – Stage III
The project Collection yard in Ratiboř – Stage III is co-financed by the European Union – Cohesion Fund / European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Environment
Flood control measures in the municipality of Ratiboř
The project FLOOD PROTECTION MEASURES OF RATIBOR (registration number CZ.05.1.24/0.0/0.0/20_145/0012594) - the subject of support is the supplementation and upgrade of the local warning system with the addition of data to the flood plan in order to help the correct assessment of flood risk, protection of health and property of citizens...